Jay Onwukwe Quotes Page 2


Best 80 Quotes by Jay Onwukwe – Page 2 of 3

Sexual Energy Transmutation Quotes

“Lucky is the man blessed with a sex partner who understands, enjoys and lovingly collaborates with him in the practice of sexual energy conservation, circulation and transmutation.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“Man is naturally imbued with potent creative energy. Through mind action this energy can convert from one form to another. Thought is creative energy, and you may chose to focus it on sex or on whatever else you want; and that determines your result.
Man creates through his thoughts held in mind. Desires and ideas stimulate mental activity. Given enough stimuli, this invisible creative energy ultimately brings forth its physical equivalent.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“Men of fame and fortune develop the rare ability to regularly and quietly tune-in to the Cosmic Intelligence frequency, receive great Ideas and inspiration, and act upon them promptly, in a logical sequence that yields great results.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“One primary benefit of sexual energy transmutation is increased brain power. With a tremendous brain power comes deeper perception, sharper intuition, greater zeal and dogged determination – the very basic constituents of success in any endeavour.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“Oriental medicine teaches that by adopting certain sexual positions, and controlling the rhythm and tempo of love-making, the therapeutic benefits of sexual intercourse can be obtained. The fundamental principle behind sexual healing is the circulation rather than dissipation of sexual energy.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“Over-focusing on sex and its gratification will ultimately lead a man to dissipate his precious substance. The result is depletion of his mental powers, as well as his capacity to make contact with the higher life currents and vibrations of the Universe.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“Over-indulgence in sex is detrimental, not only to the physical body but also to all forms of creativity. Depletion of sexual energy is tantamount to depletion of the creative potency in man.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“Power without control is dangerous.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“Procreation is an act of great spiritual responsibility, which begins as the desire to propagate and perpetuate oneself on earth.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“Recall the bible story of Samson and Delilah. With his vital essence completely depleted by the beautiful Delilah, Samson lost both his physical and mystical powers, and was captured by the Philistines. But while in their custody, his hair gradually grew back. In the re-building period required to sprout a halfgrown hair, Samson was able to re-vitalize and restore his physical and mystical powers; and was thus able to pull down the main pillars of the stadium, killing himself and hundreds of spectators, to the eternal chagrin of the Philistines.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“Remember, it all begins in your mind! If you can see it in your head, you can hold it in your hands.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“Research reveals that shortly after the euphoria of sexual conquest, the man begins to feels a sense of loss, depletion and depression; he becomes weak and irritable, and wants to be left alone. This negative feeling is detrimental to any creative effort, including wealth creation and accumulation of riches.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“Semen is man’s most precious possession, harbouring all his creative essences. Its constituents are drawn from major organs of the body. These same major organs are associated with or linked to the major energy centres of the body.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“Service is your sure channel of blessings. Therefore discover your calling, evolve your service-path and set your mind to serve diligently and receive gratefully. Discover your talents, gifts and abilities and put then to work – they are your open doors that no one can close. This hen that lays golden eggs hibernates in you right now; awaken it and put it to work. Use what you have to get what you want!”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“Sex, the carnal root of Man’s generation, can be the source of his degeneration, yet holds the key to his regeneration; and when properly harnessed, the primordial powers of sex, and its creative essences that initiate all earthly existence, can be used to achieve anything you want. Transmutation is the key.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“Sexual energy naturally builds-up in the body of a healthy man or woman who refrains from excessive or wasteful sexual activities; and who indulges in the sex act with love and harmony. Such accumulated sexual energy gradually converts into other energy forms, which the man or woman can draw upon at times of need.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

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“Because s*men retention boosts your testosterone levels and increases your confidence, people find you more attractive. Moreover, the quality of your sexual experiences improves with s*men retention, and that makes the connection with your partner deeper and more satisfying. They feel it too, and that makes you even more attractive to them.”

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“Sexual energy transmutation re-channels sexual potency into genius and creativity. It is a conscious switch of the urge for physical sensual release, into a surge of mental and emotional stimuli.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“Sublimated sexual energy, as pure creative potency, is a great reservoir of all shades of spiritual, emotional, mental and physical powers, which man can draw upon in times of need for:
— Acts of great courage and bravery
— Scientific research and breakthrough
— Scholastic and intellectual works
— Great works of art and music
— Oratory and statesmanship
— Spiritual revelations and breakthrough
— Leadership and personal success
— Wealth creation and accumulation
— Excellence in competitive sports
— And much more”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“Sublimation creates a natural reservoir of creative energy which when harnessed and properly directed manifests as greater vistas of Love, Faith, Imagination, Intuition, Order, Judgement and Understanding; plus the Will and the Zeal to take requisite actions that make your aspirations and intentions come to fruition.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“Success in this desirable act requires the willpower and self discipline to control the ever rising tide of sexual excitement in the body. The urge to exceed the limits of physical control and explode into org*sm can be overcome by keeping in focus the primary purpose of the engagement, as well as its superior benefits.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“Taoist teaching recognizes the important role of the woman in the generation of the restorative and healing powers of sex. She must wholly and happily surrender herself to her partner, giving sexual pleasure without reservations and receiving sexual pleasure without reservations. That way, she opens up her awesome powers of rejuvenation that has a limitless potential to heal both herself and her partner.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“Taoist wisdom teaches that a man’s sus*menpply of the yang-essence is finite. Therefore, it must be jealously conserved. Excessive ejac*lation of s*men, man’s vital life-force, is detrimental to the human system mentally, emotionally and spiritually, and should be avoided.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“The beneficial effects of sexual energy conservation on the mind and body are not in doubt. Great mentors, coaches and sports administrators know this; and they take necessary steps to protect their protégée or team members from dissipating vital lifeforce just before important competitions. That way, pent-up sexual energy is allowed to conserve and transmute into alertness, doggedness, dexterity, speed, focus and a passionate craving for laurels.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“The decision to retain or ejac*late s*men is a personal choice of the man; and this depends on his personal circumstances and objectives. Ejac*lation should never be forced, especially when the man is sick, weak or in low spirit.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“The efficacy of therapeutic love-making rests on the knowledge that some rhythmic movements and sexual positions, as well as certain postures and activities, produce and re-direct energy flows within the body of copulating partners.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“The enlightened couple will do well to avoid unplanned or forced procreation. Sadly, most conceptions today occur without the mutual consent of one or both partners; and this does more harm than good to both the foetus and the mother.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“The hidden potency in sex as a source of mutual healing and rejuvenation can be experienced through wise and correct indulgence in sexual intercourse. Correct sexual experience can improve vitality, increase mental power, stabilize the emotions, and illumine the spirit.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“The key to success in energy transmutation is the rechanneling of that creative potency now projecting as sexual desire, away from animalistic carnal indulgence, and into more sublime mental and spiritual expressions or outlets that are very dear to your heart. This surge of creative ability must be re-directed and invested in a more important alternative outlet or desire you are passionate about.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“The practice of sexual energy transmutation requires that couples engage themselves in very gentle and affectionate intercourse that does not always end in physical climax for any of the partners. By gently moving but never crossing the point of no return, desire is satiated without energy dissipated. Such bonding indulgence keeps the body system charged and full of energy, which can then be channelled into other useful activities.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

“The result of excessive indulgence in sexual pleasure is pain, disease and ultimately, death. This is the price a man pays for unbridled enjoyment of life and his inability to rein-in the sensations of the flesh.”

Sexual Energy Transmutation

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