Jeff Olson Quotes Page 2


Best 119 Quotes by Jeff Olson – Page 2 of 4

The Slight Edge Quotes

“If you don’t have money handled, you don’t live free.”

The Slight Edge

“If you will commit to showing up consistently, every day, no matter what, then you have already won well more than half the battle.”

The Slight Edge

“Impossible just takes a little longer.”

The Slight Edge

“In the process of learning to walk, did you spend more time falling down or standing up? If you were anything like most babies, you failed (fell) far more than you succeeded (walked). It didn’t matter: you were on the path of mastery.”

The Slight Edge

“Instead of writing down what you’re going to do (chances are you’ve been doing that your whole adult life anyway, and it doesn’t make you any better at doing them), write down at the end of the day what you did do that day.”

The Slight Edge

“it is just as easy to step back into the habit of succeeding as it is to slip into the habit of failing.”

The Slight Edge

“It's never too late to start. It's always too late to wait.”

The Slight Edge

“It’s just a matter of mastering the mundane — of repeating simple little disciplines that, done consistently over time, will add up to the very biggest accomplishments.”

The Slight Edge

“Journal for two minutes a day about one positive experience you’ve had over the past twenty-four hours. Write down every detail you can remember; this causes your brain to literally re-experience the experience, which doubles its positive impact.”

The Slight Edge

“Let’s frame our definition of success as: life (health), liberty (financial freedom), and the realization of happiness.”

The Slight Edge

“Life is doing. If you aren’t doing, you’re dying.”

The Slight Edge

“Like a penny over time, reading ten pages a day would compound, just like that, and create inside you a ten-million-dollar bank of knowledge.”

The Slight Edge

“Little steps, compounded, do make a difference.”

The Slight Edge

“Luck is preparedness that eventually creates opportunity!”

The Slight Edge

“Meditate daily. Nothing fancy; just stop all activity, relax, and watch your breath go in and out for two minutes. This trains your brain to focus where you want it to, and not get distracted by negativity in your environment.”

The Slight Edge

“Never doubt that a single thoughtful, committed person can change the world.”

The Slight Edge

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“The only way to win is to learn faster than anyone else.”

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“Never doubt that a single thoughtful, committed person can change the world. We are all having a ripple effect on others; the question is, what kind of ripple effect, negative or positive, do we want to have?”

The Slight Edge

“No success is immediate, no collapse is sudden. They are both the result of the slight edge accruing momentum over time.”

The Slight Edge

“Our culture tends to worship the idea of the 'big break'.”

The Slight Edge

“People on the success curve live a life of responsibility. They take full responsibility for who they are, where they are, and everything that happens to them.”

The Slight Edge

“Position your daily actions so time is working for instead of against you.”

The Slight Edge

“Remember: success does not lead to happiness – it's the other way around. Greater happiness is what leads to greater success.”

The Slight Edge

“Showing up is essential. Showing up consistently is powerful. Showing up consistently with a positive outlook is even more powerful.”

The Slight Edge

“Simple daily disciplines — little productive actions, repeated consistently over time — add up to the difference between failure and success.”

The Slight Edge

“Simple productive actions, repeated consistently over time. That, in a nutshell, is the slight edge.”

The Slight Edge

“So easy to do. So easy not to do.”

The Slight Edge

“Something is easy not to do when it won’t bankrupt you, destroy your career, ruin your relationships or wreck your health — today.”

The Slight Edge

“Sometimes you need to slow down to go fast.”

The Slight Edge

“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.”

The Slight Edge

“Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do.”

The Slight Edge

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“Thinking and deciding what to do about the person only serves to suppress the anger. Even though you think the anger is over, it will manifest itself in other ways. Your communication will be less honest and spontaneous; you may be more critical of him; you may find being
with him more physically tiring, forget appointments with him, and find yourself inexplicably angry at him more and more. After a while, your friendship may feel more superficial than before and you may not like spending as much time with him as you used to.”

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