Jeff Olson Quotes Page 3


Best 119 Quotes by Jeff Olson – Page 3 of 4

The Slight Edge Quotes

“Successful people do whatever it takes to get the job done, whether or not they feel like it.”

The Slight Edge

“Successful people fail their way to the top!”

The Slight Edge

“Successful people form habits that feed their success, instead of habits that feed their failure.”

The Slight Edge

“Surround yourself with people of like mind and different talents and temperaments with the purpose of serving the goals of every member of the group. Associate with these people on a regular basis.”

The Slight Edge

“Take care with what you think. Because what you think, multiplied by action plus time, will create what you get.”

The Slight Edge

“That is the difference between the 5 percent and everyone else. They know how to use the slight edge to get what they want in life. No, let’s amend that slightly: they know how to use the slight edge to get what they want in life — and they do it. They do the thing, and gain the power.”

The Slight Edge

“That pain of wanting, the burning desire to possess what you lack, is one of the greatest allies you have. It is a force you can harness to create whatever you want in your life.”

The Slight Edge

“That’s the choice you face every day, every hour: A simple, positive action, repeated over time. A simple error in judgment, repeated over time. So easy to do. So easy not to do.”

The Slight Edge

“The 95 percent on the failure curve tend to accept the heroes society plants in front of them: film stars (America’s version of royalty), rock stars, sports stars.”

The Slight Edge

“The difficult is what takes a little time; the impossible is what takes a little longer.”

The Slight Edge

“The first step to increasing your happiness is to understand what positive psychology research has been telling us for the past fifteen years: the most significant factors in your day-to-day, moment-to-moment level of happiness are not circumstantial. They’re not heredity. They’re not dictated by your genes or caused by outside events. The most significant factors in your happiness are your actions. What you do every day.”

The Slight Edge

“The greatest gift you could ever give yourself is also the wisest business investment you could ever make. It is also the most critical step in accomplishing any challenging task, and is the one step without which all other success strategies, no matter how brilliant or time-tested, are doomed to fail. What is this mysterious gift? It is your own personal development. Investing in your own improvement, your own personal growth and betterment, is all these things and more.”

The Slight Edge

“The journey starts with a single step — not with thinking about taking a step.”

The Slight Edge

“The more success we have, the more greatness we step into and the more abundance we experience, the more responsibility we have to the world around us.”

The Slight Edge

“The power of a plan is not that it will get you there. The power of a plan is that it will get you started.”

The Slight Edge

“The power of momentum: steady wins the race.
The power of completion: clear out your undones and incompletes.
The power of reflection: facing the man or woman in the mirror.
The power of celebration: catch yourself doing something right.”

The Slight Edge

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“The predominant state of mind displayed by those people on the failure curve is blame. The predominant state of mind displayed by those people on the success curve is responsibility.”

The Slight Edge

“The question we should be asking. Would I want to be sponsored by me?”

The Slight Edge

“The reason diets and other how-to's don't work for most people is the same reason most how-to books and courses don't work for most people. It isn't that the actions are wrong. It's that people don't keep doing them.”

The Slight Edge

“The same activities that take us from failure to survival would also take us from survival to success – if we would just keep doing them.”

The Slight Edge

“The single most important thing I can tell you about the Slight Edge is this: it’s already working, right now, either for you or against you. So don’t wait.”

The Slight Edge

“The slight edge can carve the Grand Canyon. It can do anything. But you have to give it enough time for the power of time to kick in. The right choices and wrong choices you make at the moment will have little or no noticeable impact on how your day goes for you. Nor tomorrow, nor the next day. No applause, no cheers, no screams, no life-or-death.”

The Slight Edge

“The things that create success in the long run don’t look like they’re having any impact at all in the short run.”

The Slight Edge

“The things that take you out of failure and up toward survival and success are simple. So simple, in fact, that it’s easy to overlook them. Extremely easy to overlook them. It’s easy to overlook them because when you look at them, they seem insignificant.

They’re not big, sweeping things that take huge effort. They’re not heroic or dramatic. Mostly they’re just little things you do every day and that nobody else even notices. They are things that are so simple to do — yet successful people actually do them, while unsuccessful people only look at them and don’t take action.”

The Slight Edge

“The truth is, what you do matters. What you do today matters. What you do every day matters. Successful people just do the things that seem to make no difference in the act of doing them and they do them over and over and over until the compound effect kicks in.”

The Slight Edge

“There are only two possibilities. You are either going for your dreams or giving up your dreams. Stretching for what you could be or settling for what you are.”

The Slight Edge

“There are three simple, essential steps to achieving a goal: Write it down: give it a what (clear description) and a when (timeline). Look at it every day: keep it in your face; soak your subconscious in it. Start with a plan: make the plan simple. The point of the plan is not that it will get you there, but that it will get you started.”

The Slight Edge

“There are two kinds of habits: those that serve you, and those that don’t.”

The Slight Edge

“There are two prevalent types of attitudes: entitled and value-driven.
A value-driven attitude says: What can I do to help you?
An entitled attitude says: What have you done for me lately?
An entitled attitude says: Pay me more, and then maybe I’ll work harder.
A value-driven attitude says: I’ll work harder, and then I expect you’ll pay me more.”

The Slight Edge

“There aren't many millionaires who bowl over 100. Why not? Because they left the bowling league behind to build their fortunes.”

The Slight Edge

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