Jeffrey Epstein Quotes

Best 8 Quotes by Jeffrey Epstein

“I invest in people — be it politics or science. It's what I do.”

“I just want you to know I’m not a pedophile. Maybe the only thing worse than being called a pedophile is being called a hedge fund manager.”

“I like to hear voices and see faces when I interact.”

“I realize what I am. I’m very comfortable in my own skin. I’m not a helicopter pilot. What I’m really free to do is I feel free to follow my own personality. As we discussed yesterday, I can’t be totally wacko in what I do. It affects lots of other people who will get angry with what I do because then it affects me again. But on my own island or on my own ranch, I can think the thoughts I want to think. I can do the work I want to do and I’m free to explore as I see fit.”

“I want people to understand the power, the responsibility, and the burden of their money.”

“If my ultimate goal was to stay private, traveling with Clinton was a bad move on the chessboard. I recognize that now. But you know what? Even Kasparov makes them. You move on.”

“If you were a boxer at the downtown gymnasium at 14th Street and Mike Tyson walked in, your face would have the same look as these foreign leaders had when Clinton entered the room. He is the world’s greatest politician.”

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“The behavior of termites, together with ants and bees, is a precursor to trust because they have an extraordinary ability to form relationships and sophisticated social structures based on mutual altruism even though individually they are fundamentally dumb. Money itself is a derivative of trust. If we can figure out how termites come together, then we may be able to better understand the underlying principles of market behavior — and make big money.”

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