Jessica Hagy Quotes
Best 28 Quotes by Jessica Hagy
“Most matter expands when warmed. And your life, as a thing that matters, does the same.”
“Throw parties not punches.”
How to Be Interesting Quotes
“An easy life is like quicksand: Before you know it, you’re trapped and can’t move, can’t breathe, can’t get to where you really wanted to go.
Don’t coast unless you’re rolling downhill on a bicycle.”
“Be serious. Be immersed.
If you want to matter, you have to climb all the way into the mess that is before you.”
“Bring together as many people as you can to help you. Share your energy. Share your ideas. Share your cause. And make sure you have plenty of cake. Everyone loves cake.”
“Egos get in the way of ideas. If your arrogance is more obvious than your expertise, you are someone other people avoid.”
“If it is unappetizing: Do not eat, date, or sign up for it.
If the mere thought of it is depressing: Do not major in it, sit through it, or devote your life to it.
If it is not important to you: Do not do it only because it is important to someone else.
You will thank yourself.”
“If you don’t give a damn about anything, no one will give a damn about you.”
“Interesting people are interested in things other than themselves. They’re educationally omnivorous. And so they end a lot of sentences with honest question marks.”
“Just because you’ve never been somewhere doesn’t mean you don’t belong. Just because it’s not in your job description doesn’t mean you can’t do it. Only you can really decide what league you really belong in.”
“Leave a mark, not a blemish.”
“Maybe your past isn't perfect. Maybe it was brutal. Maybe you were brutal. Maybe you've got more scars than you thought one skin could hold.
You can't linger on those thoughts. You will drown in them. After all, it's only an interesting backstory if you can get past it.”
“Not everyone will understand you. Not everyone will appreciate you. Not everyone will embrace you.
o not change for them. Just smile at them, and move along.”
“Say, do, or make it now. Go where you need to be. Do not wait to be invited places. Host your own parties. Do not sit by the phone.”
“The more you absorb, the more you can exude.”
“When you put yourself out there, a lot of people will reject, dismiss, or ignore you.
But a few will embrace and champion you. While the nos may sting, only the yeses matter.”
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“The biggest difference between success and failure is total time invested.”
“Who's more interesting: A famous scientist, or the famous who plays the cello and whittles marionettes in a lighthouse at the edge of the world where he sometimes writes poetry by the light of passing ships?
Exactly. Follow your weird impulses and do all sorts of things. Getting sidetracked can lead you to exactly where you belong.”
“You are not wrong to be unique. You are not incorrect because you are different. You should not be sorry for being interesting.”
“You are the protagonist and author of your life’s story.”
“You have treasured people, places, and things. They are precious and powerful. Fight for them. Don't just let them lounge in the back of your mind. A love ignored will wither and die.”
“Your greatest accomplishments, no matter how impressive you think them to be, are some else's worst nightmare. Your most prized possession is another man's disgusting chunk of trash. Be careful what you brag about.”
Twitter post Quotes
“If violent peeps made fun of you for 'rolling your eyes' as a child and you continue to live, you won!”
“It's not always the best ideas that get implemented.”
“Not all who ponder are lost.”
“Pets teach us so much.”
“When you're happy, people notice.”
“You can't remake a minute.”
“You know you’ve wandered into a swanky neighborhood when the Starbucks doesn’t change the bathroom code for a month.”
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“I don’t know you, but I can almost guarantee that you don’t ask your grandparents (or older parents) enough questions about their lives and the lives of their parents.
We’re all incredibly self-absorbed, and in being so, we forget to care about the context of the lives we’re so immersed in.
We can use Google to learn anything we want about world history and our country’s history, but our own personal history — which we really should know quite well — can only be accessed by asking questions.”