Joe Barnes Quotes
Best 23 Quotes by Joe Barnes
Escape the System Quotes
“If you want to be truly outstanding, you can’t think like everybody else.”
“It’s the idea that the consensus majority opinion defines what can and can’t be done, what is and isn’t acceptable and what’s cool and what’s not. Therefore, anything outside of these boundaries is feared, ridiculed or avoided, creating an immense pressure to conform.”
“So long as we ‘play small’ others will accept us because we share the common bond of mediocrity.”
“We get sucked even further into the system’s trance through information overload. Magazines, newspapers, internet, iPads, mobile phones, computer games, advertising, radio stations and satellite TV make it all too easy to remain in a permanent trance like state.”
“You’ll feel the sting even more poignantly if you buy into the system’s credo that the more you have, and the more you own, the happier you will be.”
“Your options are now clear; Stick to the system’s path and never have to face any tough, soul searching moments but forever close yourself off to greatness.
Or, take the road less travelled, be prepared to face all of your demons but remember that if you make it through to the other side, in the words of Martin Luther King, you’ll be, ‘ready to face anything'.”
The Rebel Code Quotes
“A follower's concern for their own security can be deadly for others.”
“Avoid taking medication for mental health issues.”
“Build your life around your drives for freedom, meaning and connection.
All three are an uplifting force that you can turn to in times of need.”
“Change doesn't happen when you listen to society's voice.”
“Every factor might be against you when choosing to follow your heart.
However, despite this opposition, you must learn to silence the external noise and connect with what your conscience, and spirit is teling you to do.”
“Make sure you're going out of your way to connect with other people.
If your work is solitary in nature, or you live alone, actively seek out people to spend time with and be prepared to offer them your support.”
“No matter how much you despise the way the world works, or how much rejection you experience, you can't allow hate to take route in your heart.
Instead, you must transform the negative energy you receive into something positive and be a force for good in the world.”
“Only a heart inspired person can shake up the world and bring greater love, understanding and innovation to humanity.”
“Rebels are driven by the need for freedom. They want to live life on their own terms. Unlike leaders, they have no desire for power over others.
However, unlike followers, they absolutely will not tolerate another person having power over them (especially if this power is abused).”
“Something about reality feels wrong but because we have no other lifestyle to compare it with, we assume the fault lies in us.”
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“Replace a complaint thought with one of gratitude or compassion.”
“The foundation for building connection is making time for other people.
Never get so busy, or anxious for success, that you can't support a friend, or family member, or take a day off to spend with your partner or kids.”
“The foundation of your financial freedom is saving 10% to 20% of your income each year.”
“The four keys to creating your own world are;
- Be in charge of your time,
- Only work and live with people you love, like or tolerate,
- Live in an environment that pleases you and
- Express yourself without concern for what other people think.”
“The three commandments to prevent you getting lost in your own world are;
- don't break the law,
- remain ignorant of society's taboos and
- stop caring about other people.”
“There are two types of freedom relevant to a rebel.
The first is inner freedom. This is the ability to enjoy your life and be free from hang ups, excessive fear, self-sabotage and limiting beliefs.
The second is financial freedom. Money chains you to the leader's and follower's world.
If you don't have enough of it, you have to work their meaningless jobs and, to a degree, abide by their stifling standards for social interactions and expression.”
“We all have the ability to impact some aspect of our lives and build from this foundation.”
“We're still operating on programs designed to help us thrive and survive in the savannahs, jungles, woodlands and plains.”
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“Value is created when a person makes something useful and shares it with the world.”
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