Joey Swoll Quotes

Best 27 Quotes by Joey Swoll

“It doesn’t happen over night. The journey is going to suck. You’re going to want to quit almost every damn day. It hurts, it never gets easier, and no one else can do it for you.

There’s going to be pain, tears, and more pain. You’re going to have to sacrifice, endure criticism, take on hate, and even lose friends and loved ones.

It’s going to be one of the hardest things you will ever do in life… and that's exactly why you're going to love every f*cking minute of it.”

“It’s not how much you lift, it’s how well you lift it!”

“Keep fighting, stay hungry, and take on the world one rep at a time.”

“The gym is a brother/sisterhood!”

Twitter post Quotes

“99.9% of people in gyms don’t film their workouts and don’t want to be in your video.”

Twitter post

“Be grateful for what you have. Never use it as a reason to shame someone less fortunate.”

Twitter post

“Be with someone who motivates you to do better in life because relationships are more than just falling in love.

It's about inspiring each other to become better versions of yourselves day in and day out.”

Twitter post

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“Behind every great man stands no woman. She stands beside him as his equal, his inspiration, and his best friend.

There is no greater man than the man that can acknowledge the woman standing right next to him.”

Twitter post

“Don't complain or make fun of the "New Year’s Resolutioners" in your gym this year. Remember, we were all new once.

Maybe if we help them instead of make fun of them, they'll feel welcome and stay all year.”

Twitter post

“Don't get mad after a breakup, get a gym membership and date someone hotter.”

Twitter post

“Don’t be the reason someone quits. Be the reason they start, stay, and succeed!”

Twitter post

“I’ve been called a conservative right wing misogynist by the left and I’ve been called a liberal left wing snowflake by the right.

I guess when both sides are offended by your message, you’re doing something right.”

Twitter post

“If you see someone in the gym that has bad form or doesn’t know what they’re doing, you have two options:

Option 1: Offer nicely to help teach them.

Option 2: Mind your own business and leave them alone.

Filming them to post online to make fun of them is never an option.”

Twitter post

“If you’re ever hungry, you’re welcome to eat at my table. If you are a different race, religion, sexuality, gender, I don’t care, you’re welcome to eat at my table.

The only rule at my table is you treat everyone with love, kindness, and respect no matter how different than you.”

Twitter post

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“In 2020 I was addicted to opioids, depressed, and tried to end my life.

In 2021 I got clean, took a break from social media, and worked on my mental health.

In 2022 I had my best year. I grew over 7 million followers and changed gym culture.

Stay up. Your best is yet to come…”

Twitter post

“Leave people alone at the gym. Mind your own business.”

Twitter post

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“Every so often, I'll look at myself in the mirror and go, 'You're a bad mother,' you know? Like, 'You're a bad dude, man, and you're gonna show the world who you are when the time is right'.”

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“My goal in life is to leave the world, the gym, and fitness industry a little better than it was before me.

As a bodybuilder and someone judged everyday by how big my muscles are and how my body looks, I want to be remembered most by how I treated others and how big my heart was.”

Twitter post

“People are going to look at you in the gym. It’s normal and doesn’t make them a creep.”

Twitter post

“Short term goals, long term vision!”

Twitter post

“Talking to someone at the gym doesn’t mean they’re hitting on you.”

Twitter post

“The first girl I ever loved broke up with me because she said 'I would never be anyone in fitness or make any real money', and she wanted to be with someone rich.

She was one of many people in my life that didn’t believe in me, but no matter what, I always believed in myself.”

Twitter post

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“The only person responsible for whether or not you make it is yourself. You and only you.”

Twitter post

“There is no f*cking secret. Hard work and sacrifice. You can always work harder and give more. Period.”

Twitter post

“Two years ago I was addicted to opioids, suicidal, completely alone, and without purpose.

Today I’m clean, happy, cherishing every single day I wake up, feeling amazing, and once again changing lives and making an impact on the world and fitness community.

If I can, you can.”

Twitter post

“We need to stop judging people of anything besides their heart and how they treat others. No one should ever belittle someone because of how much money they make or what car they drive. Making more money than someone or driving a more expensive car does not make you better.”

Twitter post

“You never know what someone’s story is or what they’ve been through. Be kind or at least mind your own business and leave them alone.”

Twitter post

“You wanna be great in life? Quit sitting around waiting for luck to strike. Get off your *ss and put in some f*cking work. Period.”

Twitter post

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“People are drawn to 'new' and 'entertaining' exercises all over social media. Guarantee the majority of them are gimmicks. You won't get jacked following gimmicks.”

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