Jonathan Heston Quotes


Best 58 Quotes by Jonathan Heston – Page 1 of 2

The Symposium Quotes

“Are your beliefs serving you? Or draining your life away?”

The Symposium

“Perfectionism is like trying to reach the horizon. It won’t happen.”

The Symposium

“Think of the last time you did something fun and exciting. Something expansive and thrilling. Something where you were in flow.

What was your focus? It probably wasn’t on what other people thought. It probably wasn’t on how much of a failure you are.

It probably was something that you can’t easily put into words: but it was expansive.”

The Symposium

“This ridiculous standard that can’t be achieved keeps people stuck from taking action (procrastination) because the pain of taking action and not achieving the flawless state hurts.

You’re someone who only loves themselves if everything is flawless.”

The Symposium

“When you measure progress against an imagined flawless state (set in time) – you’ll never be happy, you’ll judge the crap out of yourself and you’ll eventually sabotage yourself.

This is one of the deeper roots of man's addiction to alcohol, drugs, sex, p*rn, work, etc…”

The Symposium

“You know what sounds like a good plan for a marriage? Compromise.

You get 50% of what you want. They get 50% of what they want. So then you can both be unhappy together.

It sounds ridiculous because it is. It’s a failed model.

50% of what you want isn’t creating what you want. It’s settling.

And believing that you have to settle with your partner and lover (and that they have to settle with you) is the way of the fear driven life.”

The Symposium

“Your default focus is a sign of your deeper beliefs.

- Are you focused on 'what if I mess up' or on serving others?

- Are you focused on what you didn’t get from your wife or on how you can give?

- Are you focused on your child’s bad attitude or on yours?

- Are you focused on potential failure or on potential impact?

- Are you focused on what is going wrong in your life today or what you can appreciate?

- Are you focused on how you’ve grown or on how you’re slow?

You naturally focus on what you subconsciously believe you 'should' be focusing on.”

The Symposium

The Unlimited Self Quotes

“Anyone can discover a more fulfilling path. This has nothing to do with age or responsibility, and has everything to do with identifying and unlearning the beliefs that don’t help or empower you to be your authentic self.”

The Unlimited Self

“Anyone driven by a deep mission will always face areas of discomfort and stretching.

However, a limiting belief will cause what should be a simple stretching of one’s comfort zone to be paralyzing uncomfortable.”

The Unlimited Self

“Apathetics: Assume their perception of reality is 'true' and they unquestioningly filter information through these preconceived ideas.”

The Unlimited Self

“But most importantly… I didn’t give up on myself. I’ve learned to accept myself (even after years of failing hard), and I’ve continued to tenaciously press forward to be the best person I can be.”

The Unlimited Self

“Do you ever notice your limiting beliefs? They’re what prevent you from stepping up to your Edge. They’re what keep you dreaming, but never doing. They’re what keep you doubting, worrying, stressing, feeling small and weak, stuck, procrastinating, unfulfilled, and unhappy.

And slowly as life speeds by they’re that claustrophobic grip that keeps tightening around your heart.”

The Unlimited Self

“Embracing reality is incredibly powerful. Don’t spend your life regretting what has happened. Regrets steal the juice that you could be using to create a better future. Accept reality.”

The Unlimited Self

“Greatness isn’t a destination, it’s a process. Anything outside your current reach and capacity is greatness. All you get to do is take the next step.

Many people don’t have a clue what they want or what their passion is. That’s ok. This book will help you move as far down the path as you wish to go.”

The Unlimited Self

“I’ve walked away from countless opportunities that I knew I would feel trapped in, because they didn’t align with the greater gift I can give to the world.”

The Unlimited Self

“Identifying and changing these perceptions and beliefs is the fast track to freedom, because it transforms you.”

The Unlimited Self

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“In order to improve for good, you need to solve problems at the systems level. Fix the inputs and the outputs will fix themselves.”

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“If my thoughts help one person truly achieve their inner greatness, that will be enough to make this entire book worth it.”

The Unlimited Self

“If negative emotions keep 'popping up' at random times, what type of stories will our minds create? Limiting ones.

Each time they show up, our minds will attempt to explain them. Hence, we create a whole new set of limiting beliefs.”

The Unlimited Self

“If we don’t love and respect ourselves, everything else disintegrates: our relationships, our work, our faith, and our dreams.

We are the only filter between the world and ourselves. The more we doubt the filter, the more we doubt everything, sinking into indifferent apathy.”

The Unlimited Self

“If you want to leave the crowd of Apathetics for good, you must understand that the quality of your life, work, relationships, spiritual walk, and health all have one thing in common… you.”

The Unlimited Self

“If you’re not expanding, you’re dying.”

The Unlimited Self

“In principle, whatever you nurture will expand. If you nurture what is good, and full of light, then life will expand. If you nurture what is evil, and full of darkness, then death will expand.”

The Unlimited Self

“Instead of believing your thoughts are your identity, think of them as little bursts of organized energy.

Simply think of them as ideas being produced for you to consider, organize, and direct for your benefit.”

The Unlimited Self

“Instead of judging yourself by an imagined destination, judge yourself by how far you’ve come, and what you’ve learned about yourself.”

The Unlimited Self

“It is actually much easier, once you understand limiting beliefs, to live fully alive than only half alive.”

The Unlimited Self

“It is not the facts that we fear but our feelings about them.”

The Unlimited Self

“It’s a travesty how many people have fallen prey to apathy. Their numbers are only growing.”

The Unlimited Self

“Limiting beliefs are partially the stories our mind feeds us which limit who we are and where we want to go.

They disempower, instead of empower us.”

The Unlimited Self

“Limiting beliefs can surface in every area of your life. Some of them give many clues about the root cause, and some of them are so hidden that you will likely not be able to find them without a close friend, mentor, or coach helping you uncover them.”

The Unlimited Self

“Love is patient, kind, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, rejoices in the truth, always protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres…and love never fails.”

The Unlimited Self

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“When we love ourselves, we naturally shine, we are naturally beautiful. And that draws others to us. ”

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