Jonathan Heston Quotes

Best 7 The Symposium Quotes by Jonathan Heston

The Symposium Quotes

“Are your beliefs serving you? Or draining your life away?”

The Symposium

“Perfectionism is like trying to reach the horizon. It won’t happen.”

The Symposium

“Think of the last time you did something fun and exciting. Something expansive and thrilling. Something where you were in flow.

What was your focus? It probably wasn’t on what other people thought. It probably wasn’t on how much of a failure you are.

It probably was something that you can’t easily put into words: but it was expansive.”

The Symposium

“This ridiculous standard that can’t be achieved keeps people stuck from taking action (procrastination) because the pain of taking action and not achieving the flawless state hurts.

You’re someone who only loves themselves if everything is flawless.”

The Symposium

“When you measure progress against an imagined flawless state (set in time) – you’ll never be happy, you’ll judge the crap out of yourself and you’ll eventually sabotage yourself.

This is one of the deeper roots of man's addiction to alcohol, drugs, sex, p*rn, work, etc…”

The Symposium

“You know what sounds like a good plan for a marriage? Compromise.

You get 50% of what you want. They get 50% of what they want. So then you can both be unhappy together.

It sounds ridiculous because it is. It’s a failed model.

50% of what you want isn’t creating what you want. It’s settling.

And believing that you have to settle with your partner and lover (and that they have to settle with you) is the way of the fear driven life.”

The Symposium

“Your default focus is a sign of your deeper beliefs.

- Are you focused on 'what if I mess up' or on serving others?

- Are you focused on what you didn’t get from your wife or on how you can give?

- Are you focused on your child’s bad attitude or on yours?

- Are you focused on potential failure or on potential impact?

- Are you focused on what is going wrong in your life today or what you can appreciate?

- Are you focused on how you’ve grown or on how you’re slow?

You naturally focus on what you subconsciously believe you 'should' be focusing on.”

The Symposium

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