Jonathan Heston Quotes

Best 10 Twitter post Quotes by Jonathan Heston

Twitter post Quotes

“99% of the world has a reason they can't do it and 1% have a reason they can. Who do you think does it?”

Twitter post

“Contrary to common belief, many millionaires do not live in mansions or in highly prestigious neighborhoods.”

Twitter post

“How much would you be able to accomplish if you shot for 80% flawless... instead of flawless?”

Twitter post

“If we're not careful, we'll spend our entire lives proving our worth with externals because we believe we have to.”

Twitter post

“Knowing what's 'right' when you believe something else is like bringing a hammer to a gun fight.”

Twitter post

“One of the biggest roadblocks people hit in life: paying attention to their feelings.”

Twitter post

“The day we stop fearing our failure eternity begins.”

Twitter post

“View life as practice. Because all of it is.”

Twitter post

“What if the only reason you can recognize greatness in someone else is because you have it in you?”

Twitter post

“You'll never consistently stay above your own assessment of your worth or abilities.”

Twitter post

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“Follow what feels good in the moment, every moment, and it will lead you through a most excellent life.”

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