Jørgen Rasmussen Quotes

Best 8 Quotes by Jørgen Rasmussen

Provocative Hypnosis Quotes

“Clients need to get in touch with the symptom to change it.”

Provocative Hypnosis

“Frustration is a sign that what you're doing to satisfy a want or a need is not working.”

Provocative Hypnosis

“I have the following deal with my clients: they have to be willing to do whatever I tell them as long as it isn't physically dangerous, unethical or fattening (you have to add fattening to get the women on board).”

Provocative Hypnosis

“If it's the height that creates the fear, he doesn't have many options, except to stay away or be scared. However, if it's how he interprets the situation, and it always is, then the height can stay the same, but he can feel different if he changes "how" he thinks of heights.”

Provocative Hypnosis

“If you get insulted by my use of swearing - too fucking bad. Swearing and vulgar language is used all the time in my office to create more genuine responses in people. If you do changework, you need to be willing to be very flexible to break limiting patterns of behavior and stuck states.”

Provocative Hypnosis

“My experience is that people often depress to repress their anger and frustration. If people weren't able to depress to restrain anger, violence in society would explode. (I am talking those who blame others for their misery.)”

Provocative Hypnosis

“On a scale from one to ten, how scared are you?”

Provocative Hypnosis

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“What is it that creates the fear? Is it the heights, or is it how you think about the heights?”

Provocative Hypnosis

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