José Rosado Quotes
Best 30 Quotes by José Rosado
Twitter post Quotes
“ChatGPT is the new Wikipedia.”
“Coming up with product ideas is easier when you pay attention to what people tell you they're struggling with.”
“Delete all your social media if you aren't using it to create. It's a mental prison.”
“Don't follow trends. Study how people respond to them. That's where the money is.”
“I live in the Dominican Republic. Two reasons I don't move to a 'more advanced' country:
1. All my family is here
2. I have other businesses here
WiFi Money has no borders and no ICE to deport you. It's available for everyone, regardless of were you live.”
“I've met tons of successful entrepreneurs and there's a common trait among them.
They put in the work even when they don't feel like it.”
“I've seen landing pages with great deals and great copy that don't sell as much as they're supposed to because of a single mistake: They weren't clear enough about the payment details and the guarantee. Making your prospect feel secure is an important part of selling.”
“I've seen low-IQ people outperforming smarter people.
The reason? The low-IQ ones just took action.
Don't get out-hustled by a dummy.”
“If you want people to buy your stuff remember this: Buying is a decision. And to make a decision, people first look for information. Find out what kind of information your prospect needs to know before buying and say that on your sales page.”
“It's easy to think rich people just got lucky. But behind their success there's always:
- Countless hours of works
- Thousands of failed attempts
- Being told they're crazy
Keep going, the pain will fade.”
“Many people fail at marketing because they fight the will of their audience with logic.
Don't fight with logic. Appeal to people's emotions instead.”
“Money can be made back.
Time is lost forever.
Invest your time wisely.”
“Money is the cure-all. Nobody procrastinates on what makes them money.”
“Most husbands will do anything for their wife and kids, except express how they feel about them with a simple 'I love you'.”
“Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
Stay away from it.”
“One piece of advice I can give to the younger generation:
Ignore everyone who tells you that you have 'plenty of time'.
Start the business now. Take the risk now. Make the money now.
Blink and you'll miss every opportunity.”
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“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they’ve been fooled.”
“Overthinking has killed more businesses than communism.”
“Pay attention. You're surrounded by untapped money-making ideas. Next time a fellow entrepreneur complains about something... take notes. If he's having that issue, there's money in fixing it.”
“The key to sales is to be calm. Clients can sense desperation miles away.”
“The only way to get jailed in Canada for snorting cocaine is if you do it with a plastic straw, because those are illegal.”
“The reason why most businesses disappear fast? They waste all their efforts trying to get new customers. Instead of upselling to the people who bought from them before.”
“There are many reasons why people procrastinate on starting their businesses but the #1 reason is fear.
They fear:
- their efforts will go to waste.
- they’re going to fail.
- their family will make fun of them.
The solution to this fear is to make money.”
“Those who spend their time arguing about politics are like those who spend their lives caring about celebrities.
They are putting too much attention on things they can't control. It's a proven way to live miserably.”
“While you were redesigning your website, a 20-yo kid from a third world country with a 7 year old laptop took all your customers because he was focused on lead generation and sales.”
“Write the kind of book you needed 12 to 24 months ago.”
“Writer's block isn't real. It's a lame excuse lazy writers invented.”
“You know what's hard? Thinking everything is harder than it actually is and never taking action because of this.”
“Your business grows through adversity. Successful entrepreneurs are those who face failure instead of giving up like everyone else.”
“Your business is either making money or it’s falling.
Engagement and impressions don't pay the bill.”
“Your heroes also deal with imposter syndrome. But unlike many, they do the work despite how they feel.”
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“People do not buy things for what they are; they buy things for what they do.”