Joseph Nguyen Quotes

Best 30 Quotes by Joseph Nguyen

Beyond Thoughts Quotes

“Frustration cannot exist without expectation.”

Beyond Thoughts

“You are not here to be accepted, you are here to be the exception.”

Beyond Thoughts

Don't Believe Everything You Think Quotes

“All you have to do is remember that thinking is the root cause of how we’re feeling. Once this is brought into your awareness, don’t fight the thinking.

Just become aware that it is your thinking that’s causing the ill feelings, welcome it with love, and it will slowly dissipate before your eyes. Not too long after, you’ll return to your natural state of peace, love, and joy.”

Don't Believe Everything You Think

“If you want something new to be created, such as new thoughts, then you must first create space so that you can receive new ideas that can change your life.

Just like the teacup, if your mind is completely full of old thinking, it is impossible to have any new thoughts come into your mind to create the change you seek.”

Don't Believe Everything You Think

“If your mind is completely full of old thinking, it is impossible to have any new thoughts come into your mind to create the change you seek.”

Don't Believe Everything You Think

“It's not what we're thinking about that is causing us suffering, but that we are thinking.”

Don't Believe Everything You Think

“Never forget your own divinity because it is only through our divinity that we have our humanity.”

Don't Believe Everything You Think

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“Our natural state of being is joy, love, and peace.”

Don't Believe Everything You Think

“Our part is to hold in our minds what we want and get into a state of non-thinking. This enables us to access our Infinite Intelligence (God) so that the answers are revealed to us exactly when we need it.”

Don't Believe Everything You Think

“The feeling is really what we want in our lives, not the physical things, but the trap is that we believe the physical things will give us those feelings.”

Don't Believe Everything You Think

“The more you trust it, the more it trusts you.”

Don't Believe Everything You Think

“The only time we can really be in a state of non-thinking is in the present moment. We can only see reality in the present moment and when we are actively thinking, it means we are either in the past or future (which don’t exist).”

Don't Believe Everything You Think

“The path forward is only revealed when we begin walking. There’s never going to be a time where the entire path is illuminated for us to see beforehand. That would completely negate the need for faith.”

Don't Believe Everything You Think

“The thoughts in our minds are not facts.”

Don't Believe Everything You Think

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“There are two sources of goals: goals created out of inspiration and goals created out of desperation.”

Don't Believe Everything You Think

“This is when faith becomes of the utmost importance — having faith that things will be okay. Know that the Universe is working for you, not against you.”

Don't Believe Everything You Think

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“Our enemies are not demons, but human beings like ourselves.”

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“Thought is not reality; yet it is through thought that our realities are created.”

Don't Believe Everything You Think

“True truth is not subjective. If it is 'true' for one person, but not for another, then it is not universal truth.”

Don't Believe Everything You Think

“We can either choose to be free and happy in the unknown or to be confined and suffer in the familiar.”

Don't Believe Everything You Think

“We do our best work when we aren't thinking,”

Don't Believe Everything You Think

“What tends to help many people in this stage is to also have an 'activation ritual'. An activation ritual is a morning routine that helps them get into a state of non-thinking and flow.”

Don't Believe Everything You Think

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“When we’re in this state, miracles occur such as business deals coming out of nowhere, people showing up at the right place at the right time, money comes in exactly when we need it, connections that we were looking for spontaneously fall upon our laps, and life seems almost magical. Time seems to warp and bend around us and it’s because there is no sense of it.”

Don't Believe Everything You Think

“When you make space for Infinite Intelligence, it makes space for you. The more you trust it, the more it trusts you. There’s never an end to how much space you can make for it.

When you prioritize making space in your life and in your mind for Infinite Intelligence to come through, your life will change.”

Don't Believe Everything You Think

“When you're experiencing a lot of frustration, stress, anxiety, or any negative emotions, just know that it is because you're thinking, and the intensity of those emotions is directly correlated to how much thinking you do.”

Don't Believe Everything You Think

Instagram post Quotes

“Follow what feels expansive, unknown, and aligned — that is your intuition.”

Instagram post

“Our thinking is the root cause of our suffering. When you let go of what you’re thinking, you also let go of suffering.

Suffering cannot exist without thinking. Without thinking (the unnecessary commentary), we are automatically in the present.

When we’re not thinking, we are in a state of flow. This is a state of non-thinking — a state of peace.”

Instagram post

“See your thoughts, but know you do not need to believe them.”

Instagram post

“The more okay you are with being misunderstood, the more peace you will find.

Seek to understand yourself first, then to be understood.”

Instagram post

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“We cannot control others, even their own happiness.

And if we do sacrifice our own peace to try to make others happy, we become resentful and their happiness will quickly be undermined by our animosity.

Each person must find their own peace. Find yours first. By doing so, you become a living inspiration for others to find their own peace.”

Instagram post

“You are the creator of your emotions, not the victim of them.”

Instagram post

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