Joseph Peterson Quotes
Best 16 Quotes by Joseph Peterson
S*men Retention Miracle Quotes
“Because mast*rbation stimulates the pleasure and reward centers in the brain, it can create a sensation similar to addiction. That obsessive craving can undermine your willpower and self-control. By refraining from ej*culation, you can make yourself stronger, and you can enhance your self-control. When you have an improved sense of self-control, you also feel more confident in your ability to tackle whatever life throws your way. It’s a virtuous circle.”
“Because s*men retention boosts your testosterone levels and increases your confidence, people find you more attractive. Moreover, the quality of your sexual experiences improves with s*men retention, and that makes the connection with your partner deeper and more satisfying. They feel it too, and that makes you even more attractive to them.”
“In Hindu mysticism, the root chakra, located at the base of the spine, is believed to be where the Kundalini Shakti — or your true power — resides. This is associated with creative sexual energy, and ultimately responsible for all of creation. Additionally, it is considered to be the agent of all change.”
“In traditional Chinese Medicine, ancient texts speak about three vital forces of life. These are Jing, or essence, Qi, or air, and Shen, or spirit.”
“Kundalini energy is believed to reside at the base of the spine, where the root chakra is said to be located. It is considered a feminine energy, but when awakened, it rises up through the body to the head where the energy of Lord Shiva is located. At this point, the masculine and feminine unite, which leads to a loss of the sense of duality. In other words, you wake to your own divinity. It is considered the purest ecstasy of union.”
“Many athletes say that they feel more powerful, alert and focused when they don’t engage in any kind of sexual activity before an event. That results in a better performance on the field. Muhammed Ali and Mike Tyson are two well-known, successful athletes who made it their practice to abstain from sex prior to a fight.”
“S*men retention allows you to channel energy into other areas of your life, which increases your success professionally and personally, enhancing your confidence. Sex is a primary motivator for most men, and thus, if you’re more attractive, that’s a big benefit. Additionally, the more confident you are, the more attractive you are, and that makes you even more confident. It’s another positive feedback loop.”
“S*men retention boosts your testosterone levels by as much as 45 percent within just one week. That makes your voice deeper, something considered to be an attractive masculine trait.”
“S*men retention is quite simply the act of avoiding ej*culation. You can do this by avoiding mast*rbation and sex altogether for specified periods of time. If you want to continue being sexually active, the other option is to separate your org*sm from ej*culation.”
“S*men retention might just be the best self-improvement technique you’ve never heard about. However, this practice has been around a very long time. It has its origins in the ancient practices of traditional Chinese Medicine and Indian Ayurvedic healing.”
“The idea behind s*men retention is that you can reorient the energy involved in sexual pleasure, culminating in ej*culation, to boost performance in other areas of life. Many who practice s*men retention believe it increases both physical and spiritual energy. In short, sexual energy can be harnessed and redirected as a powerful creative force in other areas of your life.”
“Trainers in all kinds of sports have long advocated abstaining from sex before a sporting event. Like many others, they feel that engaging in sex, and more specifically ej*culating, weakens your performance. As we’ve seen, there are a number of nutrients in sp*rm, and by expelling them and expending energy, you weaken your body for a while following ej*culation.”
“When the Kundalini energy rises throughout your body, it brings about physical and mental strength and potency. S*men is a primary component of this power. In this practice, as in many Taoist sects, s*men retention is a spiritual practice, often referred to as 'galvanizing energy'.”
“When you’re focused on your sexual desires, whether in the form of self-pleasuring or sex with a partner, it can impair your mental clarity and memory. Remember that phosphorus and zinc are major components of s*men, which also keep your brain healthy and sharp. Withholding your s*men can increase the power of your memory by retaining these essential nutrients.”
“When you’re no longer in a constant state of a s*men deficit, your body can focus on other processes, and that means you experience a boost in your energy levels.”
“You might have never thought about this before, but s*men isn’t just simply produced in the testicles. In fact, the process involves your brain, your endocrine system and the autonomic nervous system, as well as your testicles. In a sense, it takes a village to produce s*men, and the village in this scenario is your entire body.”
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“Man is naturally imbued with potent creative energy. Through mind action this energy can convert from one form to another. Thought is creative energy, and you may chose to focus it on sex or on whatever else you want; and that determines your result.
Man creates through his thoughts held in mind. Desires and ideas stimulate mental activity. Given enough stimuli, this invisible creative energy ultimately brings forth its physical equivalent.”