Julie Smith Quotes

Best Twitter post Quotes by Julie Smith

Twitter post Quotes

“Are you in a constant battle to feel good enough? When we feel this way the most natural response is to look outward, to others, for their idea of what we should be. But this means the goalposts are constantly moving and we are at the mercy of whoever happens to be around.”

Twitter post

“We all get overworked and tired every now and then but burnout is more than tiredness. Burnout is when stress becomes chronic and has a detrimental effect on other areas in your life.”

Twitter post

“What has been the major focus of your attention for the past hour?

The past? The future? Or the present?”

Twitter post

“When you have a clear picture of the kind of person you want to be, the values you want to represent, then your choices are easier to make. They are less confused by worries about how to please everyone else.”

Twitter post

“When you start to be unapologetically yourself, there will be people who disapprove or even leave. The ones who are left are often the most meaningful and fulfilling relationships.”

Twitter post

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“In successful Karezza the sex-organs become quiet, satisfied, demagnetized, as perfectly as by the org*sm, while the rest of the body of each partner glows with a wonderful vigor and conscious joy.”

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