Kirsten Dunst Quotes


Best 60 Quotes by Kirsten Dunst – Page 1 of 2

“A lot of people my age, they grew up with me onscreen. I think that's helped keep a certain amount of longevity. When you grow up with a person, you feel like you know them.”

“Being an actress doesn't make you popular in school.”

“Boys frustrate me. I hate all their indirect messages, I hate game playing. Do you like me or don't you? Just tell me so I can get over you.”

“But the real secret to total gorgeousness is to believe in yourself, have self confindence, and try to be secure in your decisions and thoughts.”

“Everybody smokes! Models, actresses, everyone! Don't they realize that it's gross? I understand it's an addiction, but it still pains me to see my friends do it.”

“I attract a different kind of boy when my hair's red. I get more quality men – like a more thoughtful, nerdy dude.”

“I can't imagine having a real personal thing, like divorce and marriage, all those things, being in the public eye. I try to not talk about anything personal, and then nobody has the fire to throw back at you, like 'You said this back then!”

“I can't wait to have kids one day. I want to have kids and a farm with lots of animals on a lake.”

“I don't think roles help you resolve your issues. I just think they're good markers.”

“I don't try to be sexy, but if you are sexy it comes out. If you're not, you're not.”

“I don't want to be 'box-office girl,' but I don't want to be 'that indie girl' either.”

“I feel like everyone directs their own career according to their taste, what they migrate to emotionally and what kind of artists they want to work with. And I'm lucky enough to be in a position where I can wait six months for a project that really interests me.”

“I feel like I could never walk around a film half-naked. I definitely wouldn't want to see that.”

“I feel very lucky that I don't have to rely on a man to give me financial security. That's a big deal.”

“I have gotten so many tickets. I hope I don't get my license revoked.”

“I just don't want to be the damsel in distress. I'll scream on the balcony, but you've got to let me do a little action here.”

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“I just want to be a good friend to people, that's all.”

“I really think the key to a film is the chemistry of people.”

“I really want to do a film in another language. My dad's from Germany, so it'd be really cool to do a film in German. I'm not quite fluent, but I can get there. And my accent's pretty good. I wouldn't feel too out of my element.”

“I really wanted the MTV Award the most, It was a golden popcorn container and it looks really neat.”

“I think every woman goes through a relationship where she is with a guy that is really not right for her. You get lost in it.”

“I try not to do scenes a certain way, because then I become conscious of it, and it dosen't come off as realistic. I try to make it so that I'm not really aware of what I'm doing.”

“I used to feel like I had to be the best at what I did, but I realized I don't have to be the best. It's so freeing. I've never been this happy.”

“I want to play an action hero. I'm ready for roles that totally aren't me.”

“I wanted to get an angel wings tatooed on my back, as a guardian thing.”

“I was a very extrovert kid. It felt normal to me to act. I always went to regular schools. I've never been catty or a prima donna, so I never had problems. I always had my seat at the cafeteria when I came back from acting.”

“I would always rather do a mediocre script with a great filmmaker than a great script with a mediocre filmmaker.”

“I would love to work with Quentin Tarantino – he's my number one. My ultimate. I would love to work with Paul Thomas Anderson, Alexander Payne – Pedro Almodovar wouldn't be too shabby. There are so many good directors, but those are some of my favorites.”

“I'd like to be taller. I'd like my baby fat to leave.”

“I'd like to grow up and be beautiful. I know it doesn't matter, but it doesn't hurt.”

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