Konstantin Kisin Quotes

Best 10 Twitter post Quotes by Konstantin Kisin

Twitter post Quotes

“Facts don't care about you being antsy.”

Twitter post

“I've noticed that I am much more likely to reply to negative comments than positive ones on Twitter. Which is ridiculous.

Every time I post I get hundreds of encouraging, supportive and kind responses and I focus on the handful of idiots.

Saying this to be conscious of it.”

Twitter post

“In life, rewards are rarely linear. You have to work for months and sometimes years with little encouragement or reward to build something that can achieve lift-off.

And then you arrive at the next plateau. Where you must work and build again.”

Twitter post

“No amount of faith in humanity survives first contact with social media.”

Twitter post

“One of the biggest unspoken truths of modern Western society is that women have been brainwashed into acting in ways that are fundamentally against their own long term happiness and well-being in order to maintain the myth that men and women are the same.

It's tragic but what's worse is that there is a conspiracy of silence around this issue from both sexes. Yet when you speak to new mothers or, worse, women in their late 30s/early 40s who didn't have kids, behind closed doors they speak honestly about it.

Anti-natalism specifically and the lie of 'having it all' generally are going to hurt at least 2 generations of young women and the impact on children and society at large is going to be absolutely horrendous in ways that aren't even possible to predict right now.”

Twitter post

“One of the things I love about the way men communicate with each other is that we can argue, fall out and fight and a few minutes later we can move on and be cool.”

Twitter post

“Some feminists are upset because they think I want them back in the kitchen.

To be clear, I do not want you in the kitchen. Most of you can't cook for sh*t.”

Twitter post

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“Too many people appear to have forgotten that just because something is happening to someone you dislike that doesn't mean it's right.”

Twitter post

“Too many people confuse 'I don't want that banned' with 'I approve of that'.

A lot of the time the 'confusion' is deliberate.”

Twitter post

“You're definitely right about everything, your tribe is on the right side of history and nuance is weakness.

Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.”

Twitter post

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“It deeply bothers me how three years ago, one of the most iconic Cathedrals in Europe, the Notre-Dame of Paris, nearly went up in flames and for some ‘inexplicable’ reason we never got a definitive answer as to what (or who) caused the fire.”

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