Lester Frank Ward Quotes

Best 7 Other Quotes by Lester Frank Ward

“An entirely new dispensation has been given to the world. All the materials and forces of nature have been thus placed completely under the control of one of the otherwise least powerful of the creatures inhabiting the earth. Nature has thus been made the servant of man.”

“It is the misfortune of all truly great minds to be wedded to errors as well as to truths.”

“Nothing is more obvious today than the signal inability of capital and private enterprise to take care of themselves unaided by the state; and while they are incessantly denouncing "paternalism," by which they mean the claim of the defenseless laborer and artisan to a share in this lavish state protection, they are all the while besieging legislatures for relief from their own incompetency, and "pleading the baby act" through a trained body of lawyers and lobbyists. The dispensing of national pap to this class should rather be called "maternalism," to which a square, open, and dignified paternalism would be infinitely preferable.”

“Pessimism is the product of a hostile social state. Its answer is the substitution of a friendly social state. If this can be done it will disappear.”

“The charge of paternalism is chiefly made by the class that enjoys the largest share of government protection. Those who denounce it are those who most frequently and successfully invoke it.”

“The school will fill the place now occupied by the church.”

“The secret of the superiority of state over private education lies in the fact
that in the former the teacher is responsible to society.”

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“Sunday neurosis, for example, is what happens when, without the obligations and commitments of the workweek, the individual realizes how empty he is inside.”

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