Lewis Howes Quotes

Best 18 The Greatness Mindset Quotes by Lewis Howes

The Greatness Mindset Quotes

“Chasing greatness may mean you’ll stumble and fall a few times along the way.”

The Greatness Mindset

“Each day, we have the opportunity to learn something new, apologize for our mistakes, and become better.”

The Greatness Mindset

“Greatness is discovering your unique gifts and talents to pursue your Meaningful Mission and make the maximum positive impact on the people around you.”

The Greatness Mindset

“I asked myself: Why am I not feeling good inside? Why am I feeling unfulfilled? Why do I not feel satisfied when I’ve been so driven for the last several years?”

The Greatness Mindset

“If you’re receiving validation from others instead of having it within yourself or creating your own validation through the things that matter most to you, then you are always going to be subject to the judgment of others.”

The Greatness Mindset

“Instead of politely declining, you worry about that fear of judgment and hear yourself say, “Sure, let’s do it!” while your brain is screaming, Say no! Say no! According to Dr. Vora, that’s a false yes.”

The Greatness Mindset

“Katy Milkman, award-winning behavioral scientist and professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, describes the essence of greatness as being clear on your purpose or mission so that it serves as your North Star.

She told me that when someone has that clear North Star and has built their life to support and 'lean toward it' in all aspects, she feels like she is in the presence of greatness.”

The Greatness Mindset

“Life is just too short to waste any of our emotional energy on things that don’t matter.”

The Greatness Mindset

“Maybe you’ve had one of those moments when you realized the awful truth: you’re just trying to survive, running out the clock, hoping someday something magical will happen that changes everything for you.”

The Greatness Mindset

“My definition of greatness would be going for it no matter what, despite fear, and making the absolute most of the life that you were given, because it’s not a dress rehearsal.”

The Greatness Mindset

“One reason many people struggle is that they feel their identity is tied to the results they achieve.”

The Greatness Mindset

“So many great people live lives absent of greatness because they live by default and not by design.”

The Greatness Mindset

“Success is in the process, not the outcome.”

The Greatness Mindset

“The first thing that gives life meaning is a project that demands your attention.”

The Greatness Mindset

“The Greatness Mindset begins to take shape when you begin the journey to heal the pain and trauma in your past. Until you do that, you may often find yourself at the mercy of past pain without ever realizing how or why.”

The Greatness Mindset

“Two things are required to pursue your dreams: hustle and willingness to put yourself out there! The two things people are most afraid of are fear of failure and fear of being embarrassed.

I’m constantly working on both of these fears so I can live the life I want free from the burden of caring what other people think of me.”

The Greatness Mindset

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“What lights you up? Inspires you? Energizes you? When do you find yourself losing track of time because you are so absorbed in an activity and can’t wait to get back to it and do it again? What would you love to do even if you didn’t get paid to do it?

Fast-forward to your golden years. What might you wish you had done more of? Now take a moment to compare your lists. What common themes do you see in your answers? What words get repeated? What activities keep getting mentioned? What threads are woven consistently throughout your story?

Summarize the patterns you see by circling common words or writing a few summary sentences below both lists.”

The Greatness Mindset

“When you look in the mirror, you should at least be proud that you gave your all on the field no matter what the critics may say. Be true to you.”

The Greatness Mindset