Lois J. Wetzel Quotes

Best 26 Reincarnation Quotes by Lois J. Wetzel

Reincarnation Quotes

“Albert Einstein once said imagination is more important than knowledge. I believe the reason he said this was because he was fully aware that knowledge — scientific or otherwise — is constantly being updated. We learn more all the time. Scientific knowledge is not static. Imagination helps us grow the body of knowledge. Scientists without an active imagination could never try new experiments. They would just replicate the experiments of others, and human knowledge and progress would come to a standstill.”


“Another concept that most people would rather not consider is that of parallel lifetimes. This is how I understand parallel lives presently: every time I make a major life decision, there is a fork in my life path. When I make the decision, I split into dual versions of myself in space-time. One version of me takes one path, and another takes the other.

For example, the version of me that did not get a divorce in 1988 died of cancer of the breast and uterus, which simultaneously appeared in 1993. I would have lived to be only fifty-five years of age had I remained in that marriage. I know this because my Guides have told me. I had to get out of that relationship to do my spiritual work. My spiritual work would never have happened within that highly unsupportive environment. The ex-husband had successfully stopped me from doing what I was supposed to be doing with my life many times before in prior lives, which I learned only after I had left him.”


“At this point in time, knowledge is increasing at a faster rate than ever before in our known history. It is truly impossible to keep up with it all. The best way to cope with that level of uncertainty is to remain wildly open-minded. Consider everything while exercising discrimination.”


“Do not kid yourself. when the fork comes and you need to make a decision—not making a decision is also a decision. You have just made the decision by default. Not deciding is like not showing up for a soccer game you are scheduled to play. When you do not show up, you are deciding to lose that game.”


“Do not worry if you cannot accept everything I write here. Just let what you cannot accept be like a twig in the river. If you don’t like that twig, let it float past you. If you stay on the river, you may find that you end up with a collection of nice new twigs you do like, but please don’t feel you have to collect them all. They are just concepts, after all. You certainly do not have to accept each of them to accept some of them.”


“For all of us who do incarnate, there are emotional, spiritual or even physical issues that are carried over from lifetime to lifetime until we get the related karma balanced, the issues healed, and finally learn our lessons. This is the Earth School, after all, the fast track to spiritual growth and evolution. The Immortal Soul comes here over and over, in the guise of one person after another, wearing a different body like a suit of clothing, to live a partially pre-scripted life for the purposes of learning and growth. Yet free will allows us ample choices within the various lifetimes, and this determines how quickly a Soul progresses. In other words, our choices absolutely do matter. Our lessons are set up by our own Souls prior to incarnating each time. This is done with help from our Teachers and Guides. Our lessons are orchestrated in the hopes of learning them at certain periods in each lifetime, and other Souls agree to show up and do pre-agreed-upon things to help us learn them at those times. This is how the Earth School works, stated simply.”


“From the viewpoint of the Soul, which exists outside of time and space, everything is happening at once — all our lifetimes are simultaneous.”


Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“How can people be healed by learning about the past lives of others? I suspect in the same way that persons in group therapy are often healed by witnessing others within the group work through issues similar to theirs. Seeing one’s own issues outside of oneself makes those issues easier to recognize and process because of the added safety of distance.”


“I finally did it — not as quickly as I now wish I had, but I did it. I dug down deep, felt the fear, and did it anyway. If I had not felt fear, the action would not have been courageous at all. Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is feeling the fear and doing it anyway.”


“I have found that the vast majority of my clients experience mild to profound healings after hearing about their forgotten experiences from prior lifetimes — though not everyone.”


“I know that we are all immortal, spiritual beings having a physical experience, and we reincarnate repeatedly to learn specific lessons for the purpose of our Soul’s evolution. My understanding is that this goes on until we have completed our evolution and no longer have any need to reincarnate. Those who have evolved to this state are called Master Souls.

Once we reach this point, we are then allowed the option of moving on to other levels of development in the spirit world, and my understanding is that most of us do. It is said, though, that some of us continue to reincarnate as a service to the rest, teaching and healing others until everyone has reached their spiritual goals. Other Master Souls may also come back a few more times for a variety of reasons of their own.”


“Ian Stevenson, MD, spent forty years travelling the earth, researching children who reported remembering past lives. He carefully followed up to learn if the persons they reported they were in prior lives ever existed, even contacting the prior incarnation’s families, if he could find them, to learn how accurate the children’s memories of their prior lifetimes were. This is as close as anyone with a Western mindset has come to proving the veracity of reincarnation, as far as I know.”


“Many things are real, we know they are real, and yet they cannot be empirically tested, proven and, most especially, they cannot be replicated. The most obvious example would be the existence of love, or the appearance of a 'ghost'. For some of us, this also includes the existence of the Soul and the Creator — at least for now. My intuitive sense is we will soon discover another way of proving reality beyond empiricism. For the time being, however, we must trust in our experiences. And why would we not trust our own experience? Reality is true, whether the scientific community currently accepts it as true yet or not.”


“Often there are similarities in our faces from lifetime to lifetime, even though we may choose to be of different races or sexes for the purposes of learning.”


Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“Quantum physics and its mechanics actually allow for all the things I have mentioned, including reincarnation, parallel realities and walking through solid objects, but most people are completely unaware of the scientific advances in understanding of the past hundred years. The consciousness of the average person in Western civilization is gridlocked at the level of understanding held by the scientific community of a hundred years past. In addition, most people, even scientists, still believe that empiricism is the only way to prove if something is real or true.”


“Scientific empiricism goes something like this. You measure and observe something, posit a theory or hypothesis about it, create an instrument or plan to test the hypothesis, conduct the test, collect the data from the test, and then statistically analyze that data so you can draw a conclusion from that data which is then assumed to be true. If it is good research, some other scientist can do the same exact thing you did and get the same results. This works well for certain things but, in actuality, this is a limited approach.”


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“Some Souls may even incarnate as fairies or other extra-dimensional beings, or they might spend a few lifetimes as Spirit Guides to others. This is what I have learned from the Guardians of the Akashic Records. I did not see this because I wanted to see it. In fact, I was annoyed to see humans having other lifetimes as fairies and dolphins because it did not fit with my worldview. However, I faithfully reported what I saw and stridently attempted not to censor my visions. I still do.”


“The understanding that all our lifetimes are simultaneous also helps make it easier to understand how the healing of an issue in one lifetime can affect all the others. Our individual lifetimes are all interconnected, no matter when in linear time they appear to have happened.”


“There are different understandings of parallel lives, and one of them states that there are many versions of Cleopatra or George Washington in different versions of Earth, and that different Souls inhabit each different version of each of us. I do not resonate with this explanation, but I offer it here because there are many who believe this is why several people may claim to be Napoleon or Saint Teresa.”


“There is no linear time. Just because a person assumes it is not possible to have more than one lifetime going at the same time does not mean that any Soul, hers or anyone else’s, is limited by that person’s lack of understanding.”


“To assist with the evolutionary experience of the Immortal Soul, I have been fulfilling one of my own life missions by using my ability to open the Akashic Records on behalf of others and narrating what I see. I do this so that these Souls may heal unresolved issues from past lives.”


Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“To date, no one has actually proven empirically that reincarnation is real — and not for want of trying. However, in my opinion they have come quite close.”


“Until we attain mastery, we continue on in the reincarnation cycle. Some Souls choose to do their learning in Spirit form – meaning not in a body—some reincarnate frequently, and some do both.”


“What I have realized is that the illusion of linear time just makes things more convenient here at the Earth School, so we can see 'cause and effect'. This helps us grow as we learn from the choices we make, so that in seeing our results, we can make better choices in the future – an important part of our spiritual evolution.”


“What is real is real, whether the scientific community accepts it yet or not.”


“When I have asked the Guardians of the Akashic Records how long humans have been on this planet, they have said over 500,000 years.”


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