MJ DeMarco Quotes Page 11
Books by MJ DeMarco
Best 355 Quotes by MJ DeMarco – Page 11 of 12
Unscripted Quotes
“Before impacting millions, you must impact hundreds.”
“Before you can do what you love, you have to do what you hate.”
“Comparison is future-oriented and focused on what is missing, creating anxiety. Gratitude is present-oriented and focused on what you have, creating peace.”
“Consensus fallacy—the idea that if many people believe something, some position, or some ideology, it must be true.”
“Debt = production - consumption”
“Divert your focus and you’ll get killed by the entrepreneur who isn’t diverted.”
“Each dollar saved is another freedom fighter added to your slave army. Your army also procreates more soldiers. Altogether, your saved soldiers are fighting for your freedom. On the other hand, every dollar spent on the latest fad is one fighter killed.”
“Entrepreneurship is about problem-solving, creating convenience, satisfying desires, and becoming valuable.”
“Everyone wants change, but no one wants to change themselves.”
“Everyone wants the perfect wife but few want to work towards becoming the perfect husband.”
“Extraordinary results demand extraordinary efforts.”
“Failure is the sweat of success.”
“Fake Entrepreneurs love entrepreneurship benefits, but they don't love solving problems. Instead, they're looking for a plug-and-play, paint by numbers solutions, ironically created by real entrepreneurs.”
“Feed the crowd and you shall never starve.”
Products by MJ DeMarco
“Freedom has a price, and that price is money. Big dreams, from materialistic Ferraris to altruistic nonprofit foundations, cost money. You can’t travel the world by swimming in the oceans. You have to pay your way, and if you think money is evil, you’ve already lost.”
“Great value precedes great wealth.”
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“You do not need to be clever. You do not even need to be that adept. You need only a little cunning and massive determination to become rich. Providing you can pay much cleverer but risk-averse people properly, and promote them and lead them in such a way that they are all rowing in the same direction, they will sign on to your little ship.”
“Has life regressed into paying bills and living for a weekend?”
“If confiscating 100 percent of your economic output constitutes slavery, at which point does it cease to be slavery? 80 percent? 50 percent? 39.6 percent?”
“If financial freedom and autonomy are your goals, your beliefs must align with those goals. If they don’t, you’ll either lie to yourself, or sabotage your effort, causing tension and stress. Both make goals unobtainable.”
“If it was easy, it wouldn’t be worth it.”
“If the devil funded a study reporting that 91 percent of hell’s inhabitants were happy, would you believe it?”
“If you don’t identify where you want to go, the road to get there stays hidden.”
“If you struggle to live on $50,000 a year, you’ll probably struggle to live on $500,000.”
“If you want to live well, produce well. The more production value you thrust into society, the bigger your house, the faster your car, and the juicier your steak. In other words, stop looking to take and start looking to give.”
“If you’re too plumply entertained in hyperrealistic distraction, you’re no threat—no threat to the paradigms and certainly no threat to the meat grinder awaiting. Just sit back, relax, and focus on your movie because this train is leaving.”
“In school, failure is a bad thing. Marked by a bloody F and a parental beatdown, failure is admonished. Fail and you’re grounded! No TV, no iPad! Is it any shock that straight-A students make great employees while the C-students are the guys hiring them? The A-students do as they’re told, follow rules unquestioningly and stay within the lines. Meanwhile, C-student and future billionaire Johnny is a ninth grader’s newest BFF—he’s underneath the bleachers selling his older brother’s Playboys at twenty-five dollars a pop.”
“Just as there are greedy rich people, there are greedy poor people. Rich people don’t have a monopoly on greed or evilness—the human species does.”
“Making money is hard. Keeping it is harder.”
Products by MJ DeMarco
“MODEL: Mediocre, Obedient, Dependent, Entertained, and Lifeless.”
“Most people make their life’s management decisions not as the CEO, but as a preschooler awaiting instructions on when to get their midday nap.”
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“The grass will always look greener on the other side until you start watering the side you’re on.”
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