MJ DeMarco Quotes Page 12

Books by MJ DeMarco


Best 355 Quotes by MJ DeMarco – Page 12 of 12

Unscripted Quotes

“Negative influences or destructive people, no matter what their label (family, fraternity brother, coworker) shouldn't carry exemptions to excommunication.”


“Once I focused on what attracts money, and not the money itself, the money flowed.”


“Recluses won’t find purpose living out their days in a sacred bubble. Partake in commerce, start working out, volunteer, go on a mission. Do freaking something.”


“Sand could be worthless or priceless depending on its relativity in the marketplace: Offered in the Sahara, it’s useless. In a valley preparing for a flood? Worthy. Your passion for sand does not make sand relatively valuable in the desert.”


“Simply put, the easier the opportunity, the worse it is. Conversely, the harder something is to solve, the greater the opportunity.”


“Success is simpler than you think: ax the shortcut, honor the process-principle, and do the necessary work.”


“The easier the opportunity, the worse it is.”


Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“The fiduciary principle:
A resolution that as unscripted entrepreneurs we will serve selflessly to serve the selfish.”


“The magnitude of the problem solved is the magnitude of the money you can make.”


“The truth is, we are livestock. Hosts for a diabolical purpose. Free-range slaves. Like free-range chickens, we roam free in our container (a country), provided the illusion of freedom, but we are still held captive for our eggs—our economic impact. If you leave, you need permission (a visa) and your leave is limited to whatever the visiting container (country) allows, usually ninety days.”


“The university system, once an intellectual crossroad for ideas, is now the largest confirmation bias on the planet, where mass cast opinions are sheathed in safe spaces as undebatable truths.”


“The world’s most renowned entrepreneurs became renowned because of monogamy: They commit to one business, and one business only.”


“Think how ridiculous this is. You work Monday through Friday, or you spend five life rations just so you can earn two. Five for two. Would you accept this negative rate of return in the financial world? Hey, invest five life rations and I’ll give you two back as payment? Oh and BTW, you won’t get back your original investment. Remember, time spent can never be reclaimed or refilled, so it’s not an interest payment; it’s an immediate loss of principal and a dismally negative rate of return.”


“Want to know why everyone is so miserable? The answer is simple: They’ve given up.”


Products by MJ DeMarco

“What daily routine will get you to your goal?”


“Whatever you want to believe, there's a guru cult out there helping you believe it.”


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“YOLO’s price doesn’t live once; it lives and grows on your Visa card.”


“You are exactly as you have chosen.”


“You are owned by your shit, which is owned by your debt, which is either owned or profited by a corporation. So you work for a corporation, everything you buy comes from a corporation, everything you watch is produced by a corporation, and the debt you owe is held by a corporation.”


Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“You are the appointed CEO of your life.”


“You either choose to act or choose to complain.”


“You either do it or continue dreaming about it.”


Wealth Exposed Quotes

“Most people are fine having Saturday and Sunday as the payment for Monday through Friday. Our society is built on dead dreams. You can build the cog or be the cog.”

Wealth Exposed

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