MJ DeMarco Quotes Page 7

Books by MJ DeMarco


Best 355 Quotes by MJ DeMarco – Page 7 of 12

The Millionaire Fastlane Quotes

“In the world of wealth, ideas are worthless yet treated like gold.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

“Instant gratification is a populous plague and its predominant side effects are easily spotted: debt and obesity. Wealth, like health, isn’t easy and is cut from the same fabric. Their processes are identical.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

“Instead of digging for gold, sell shovels. Instead of taking a class, offer a class. Instead of borrowing money, lend it. Instead of taking a job, hire for jobs. Instead of taking a mortgage, hold a mortgage. Break free from consumption, switch sides, and reorient to the world as producer.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

“Interest is quitting after the third failure; commitment is continuing after the hundredth.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

“Ironically, in my attempt to look wealthy, real wealth slid further away.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

“Jobs suck because they’re rooted in limited leverage and limited control.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

“Just because you flipped burgers three hours ago doesn’t mean you can’t be a millionaire next year.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“Know what you can and can’t afford. There is nothing wrong with buying boats and Lamborghinis if you can truly afford them.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

“Lead generation services often provide a service to consumers while simultaneously aggregating a non-homogeneous industry. This is what I did for the limousine industry. I pooled a highly fragmented industry into one centralized source, brought consumers into the mix, and sold that consumer information to limo companies.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

“Leads are only as good as the person following them.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

“Life does not begin on Friday night and end Monday morning.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

“Luck is introduced when you play. If you don’t play, you can’t win. Unfortunately, Sidewalkers assign luck to events of mystical chance. They don’t see the manipulated probabilities imbued by process which makes the chance possible. If you want luck, dive.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

“Majority thinking yields mediocrity, and for that majority, time is an asset that is undervalued and mindlessly squandered.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

“Make 1 million people achieve any of the following:
- Make them feel better.
- Help them solve a problem.
- Educate them.
- Make them look better (health, nutrition, clothing, makeup).
- Give them security (housing, safety, health).
- Raise a positive emotion (love, happiness, laughter, self-confidence).
- Satisfy appetites, from basic (food) to the risqué (sexual).
- Make things easier.
- Enhance their dreams and give hope.

… and I guarantee, you will be worth millions.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

Products by MJ DeMarco

“Make a freaking impact and start providing value! Let money come to you! Look around outside your world, stop being selfish, and help your fellow humans solve their problems. In a world of selfishness, become unselfish.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

“Manufacture is one tiny battle in a larger war. Distribution is where the war is won. A great product is worthless if it doesn’t get into the hands of people, and that requires distribution.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

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“The main reason people insult you is to distract you. When someone’s focusing energy on making progress, the jealous attempt to divert their attention. Every time you reply, they win.”

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“Many money gurus often suffer from a Paradox of Practice; they teach one wealth equation while getting rich in another. They’re not rich from their own teachings.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

“Money doesn’t change people; it just makes them more of what they already are.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

“Money is like a mischievous cat; if you chase it around the neighborhood, it eludes you. It hides up a tree, behind the rose bush, or in the garden. However, if you ignore it and focus on what attracts the cat, it comes to you and sits in your lap. Money isn’t attracted to selfish people. It is attracted to businesses that solve problems.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

“Money isn’t attracted to selfish people. It is attracted to businesses that solve problems. It’s attracted to people who fill needs and add value. Solve needs massively and money massively attracts.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

“Money trees, businesses, and systems aren’t built overnight.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“Money, properly used, can buy freedom, which can lead to happiness.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

“Most business owners pay more attention to their competition than to their business.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

“Most consumers buying decisions are driven by emotions.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

“Most people are consumers who are two paychecks from broke. Most people won’t invest long hours into their business system while friends are living it up on credit.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

“Most people have a lack of confidence in themselves and their ability and are willing to settle for so much less.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

“My doctor’s preferred method of attack was prescription drugs. I refused because I wanted to fix problems, not mask symptoms.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

“Never start a business just to make money.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

Products by MJ DeMarco

“Ninety percent of all new businesses fail because they are based on selfish internal needs, not external market needs.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

“No matter how big or small, dreams have a price, and that price is money, responsibility, accountability, and commitment.”

The Millionaire Fastlane

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“Each wealth creator has stopped chasing opportunities and chosen to build a wealth foundation around their specific passions and talents.”

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