Mantak Chia Quotes


Best 37 Quotes by Mantak Chia – Page 1 of 2

“A thousand friends is not enough but one enemy is too many.”

“There are so many wizards of the computer, stock market, test tube, and spectator sport, but so few of the art of life.”

Chi Nei Tsang Quotes

“Learn to start each day by smiling inwardly to your vital organs and thanking them for sustaining your life.”

Chi Nei Tsang

“Trees are the largest and most spiritually advanced plants on Earth. They are constantly in meditation. Subtle energy is their natural language.”

Chi Nei Tsang

Emotional Wisdom Quotes

“The tongue is the sense organ connected energetically to the heart. A normal, pale red tongue and normal taste buds reflect a balanced, healthy heart.

Distortion in tongue color, shape, or taste buds reflects a heart imbalance from arrogance, impatience, cruelty, hate, mania, or some other external cause.

In relation to the tongue, heart imbalance can also manifest as speech problems, such as stuttering, or in incessant talking or inappropriate laughter.”

Emotional Wisdom

“Traditional Chinese medicine calls the heart the 'chief' or 'director' of all the internal organs.

It governs the blood and controls the blood vessels. It manifests in the complexion and controls the tongue, the taste buds, and the sweat.”

Emotional Wisdom

Life Pulse Massage Quotes

“The Taoists were especially concerned with how to maintain the body’s systems to live a full, healthy, and extended life.”

Life Pulse Massage

Living in the Tao Quotes

“As energy continues to flow and you gain more and more confidence in letting go, a strange thing happens.

You learn to flow with it and your life becomes effortless. This really is the path of the Tao.”

Living in the Tao

“That is the key: the less you do the better, especially with your energy and achieving things, because there really is no place to go. You are already here and everything will come to you. That is the effortless path of the Tao.”

Living in the Tao

“The Tao teaches you how to breathe, sleep, urinate, defecate, sit, stand, walk, and exchange sexual energy in harmony with the natural flow of the universe.”

Living in the Tao

“The Taoists always recommend you swallow your own saliva at least 15 to 30 times a day. This allows the body to heal itself. The saliva itself has a high potassium content, which really heals the body. When you were young and hurt yourself, what was the first thing your mother did? She kissed it and made it all better. The kissing transferred the saliva from her mouth, which had a healing effect on the body. This is the same for animals: as soon as they cut themselves, the first thing they do is lick the cut and that helps the body heal itself. The saliva from the tongue as they lick the wound starts to heal the wound.”

Living in the Tao

“The Taoists have always talked about the cosmic dust particles that come from the stars. These are our life force and are on the microscopic level. We cannot really see them, but they are actually particles of light. We take them into our body. No matter what we eat. 75 percent of all our nutrition comes from the air. You can live without food for sixty days or more and without water for two weeks or more, but with air you can only go without it for three or four minutes. It makes sense that what we breathe is what we actually utilize for food.”

Living in the Tao

Taoist Secrets of Love Quotes

“At heart most men are as terrified of women's infinite sexual capacity as they are fascinated by it. The general effect on men is to make them feel sexually insecure and causes them to attempt to compensate with some other strength. Sexual insecurity may be the primary reason men have sought physical, political, financial, intellectual, and religious advantage over women.”

Taoist Secrets of Love

“For your own sake, do not abandon your integrity for the sake of physical pleasure or the pretense that you are doing deep spiritual exercises. If you sleep with one whom you don't love, your subtle energies will not be in balance and psychic warfare can begin. This will take its toll no matter how far apart you are physically until you sever or heal the psychic connection. It's better to be honest in the beginning.”

Taoist Secrets of Love

“How can you love a woman in your arms if you are busy holding another one in your dreams?”

Taoist Secrets of Love

“If the goal is to build up one's sexual energy, what's the harm of sleeping with a lot of different women (or men) to increase
your ching chi?

The goal is not to build up one's sexual energy — it is to transform raw sexual energy into a refined subtle energy. Sex is
only one means of doing that.”

Taoist Secrets of Love

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“You are like church goers… "I was born Catholic and I will die Catholic."

1) Plants do not have souls.
2) They do not have blood.
3) They do not have brains.
4) They do not have free will.
5) They do not have faces.
6) Humans are vegetarian!”

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“If you think you can love two women at once, be ready to spend double the chi to transform and balance their energy. I doubt if many men can really do that and feel deep serenity. For the sake of simplicity, limit yourself to one woman at a time. It takes a lot of time and energy to cultivate the subtle energies to a deep level.”

Taoist Secrets of Love

“It is impossible to define love precisely. You have to consult your inner voice. But cultivating your chi energy sensitizes you to your conscience. What was a distant whisper before may become a very loud voice.”

Taoist Secrets of Love

“Make love only when you feel true tenderness within yourself. Your power to love will thus grow stronger. Selfish or manipulative use of sex even with someone with whom you are in love can cause great disharmony. If you feel unable to use your sexual power lovingly, then do not use it at all!”

Taoist Secrets of Love

“Never compromise your integrity of body, mind and spirit. In choosing a lover you are choosing your destiny, so make sure you love the woman with whom you have sex. Then you will be in harmony with what flows from the exchange and your actions will be proper.”

Taoist Secrets of Love

“Promiscuity can easily lower your energy if you choose partners with moral or physical weakness. If you lie with degenerates, it may hurt you, in that you can temporarily acquire your partner's vileness. By exchanging subtle energy, you actually absorb the other's substance. You become the other person and assume new karmic burdens. This is why old couples resemble each other so closely: they have exchanged so much energy that they are made of the same life-stuff. This practice accelerates this union, but elevates it to a higher level of spiritual experience.”

Taoist Secrets of Love

“Sex essence is the source of all energy available for creative and thinking processes.”

Taoist Secrets of Love

“Sex is a gleaming, sharp, two-edged sword, a healing tool that can quickly become a weapon. If used for base purposes, it cuts you mercilessly. If you haven't found a partner with whom you can be truly gentle, then simply touch no one. Go back to building your internal energy and when it gets high you will either attract a quality lover or learn a deeper level within yourself.”

Taoist Secrets of Love

“Sp*rm is the storehouse of male sexual energy. A single ejac*lation has 200 to 500 million sp*rm cells, each a potential human being.

There are enough sp*rmotozoa lost in a single org*sm to populate the entire United States if each cell was to fertilize an egg.”

Taoist Secrets of Love

“Taoists view any attempt to describe the totality of nature, the Tao, as futile. They found it far more useful to find ways of experiencing deeper harmony with it.”

Taoist Secrets of Love

The Healing Energy of Shared Consciousness Quotes

“The universe has an abundance of energy that can enhance and multiply our enjoyment of life. All that we need to do is to be connected to the source.”

The Healing Energy of Shared Consciousness

The Inner Smile Quotes

“Avoid excess. Walking too long harms the tendons; sitting too long harms the flesh; standing too long harms the bones; lying down too long harms vital energy; and gazing too long harms the blood.”

The Inner Smile

“In ancient China, the Taoist masters recognized the power of smiling energy. They practiced an Inner Smile to themselves, which moved chi energy and produced a high grade of chi, and achieved health, happiness, and longevity. Smiling to oneself is like basking in love: you become your own best friend. Living with an inner smile is to live in harmony with yourself.”

The Inner Smile

“In Taoism we regard the negative emotions as low-grade energy. Many people operate their lives in anger, sadness, depression, fear, worry, and other kinds of negative energy. These types of energy are bound to cause chronic disease and to steal our major life force. The Inner Smile is the true smile for all parts of the body, including all the organs, glands, and muscles, as well as the nervous system. It will produce a high grade of energy that can heal and eventually be transformed into an even higher grade of energy.”

The Inner Smile

“Negative emotions will disturb you and waste your life force. The inner smile technique can remove these negative emotions.”

The Inner Smile

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