Mantak Chia Quotes Page 2
Best 37 Quotes by Mantak Chia – Page 2 of 2
The Inner Smile Quotes
“The inner smile directs smiling energy into our organs and glands, which are so vital to life. Ironically, although we often pay a great deal of attention to our outer appearance, very few of us are aware of our inner organs and glands: what they look like, where they're located, or what their functions are. Worse yet, we are insensitive to the subtle warnings they send us when we mistreat them with poor diets and unhealthy lifestyles. We are like a boss who never pays any attention to his or her employees and is startled when things go wrong. If we're acquainted with our organs and glands, appreciate what they do, and learn to hear their messages, they will reward us with relaxation and vitality.”
“Too much anger, grief, pity, or melancholy is harmful, as is too much joy or pleasure.
Prolonged suffering is harmful; prolonged abstinence from sexual activity is harmful; prolonged anxiety is harmful.
In short, to neglect moderation is harmful.”
“Try not to use your senses too much. Don't look at or listen to anything for too long at a time.
Whenever the senses are used excessively, sickness can result.”
The Multi-Org*smic Man Quotes
“In this culture, we worry about children seeing their parents being physically affectionate with one another, but there is nothing wrong with children witnessing these expressions of love. In fact, there may be a problem with them not witnessing it. Its absence not only leaves children often wondering whether their parents love each other but also leaves them without models of how to express affection to their own partners. Modeling a healthy, loving relationship with your partner is the second thing you can do for your son — not to mention for your partner and yourself.”
The Multi-Org*smic Woman Quotes
“Decrease your libido or significantly interfere with the flow of your sexual life is important to having your full desire. To understand your birth control options, you need to understand your reproductive system.”
The Practice of Greater Kan and Li Quotes
“Dream Meditation Practices are best performed in an isolated (close to nature) chamber that is clean and dry. Diet should be modified before practice so that solid food is reduced and a sense of lightness is obtained. This meditation is best done after bathing; the student can be nude or wear a light robe.”
“Healthy nutrition is just as much an art as science. It is important to test and investigate methods and foods in your own laboratory (your body) and observe how various things affect you.”
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“When you’re focused on your sexual desires, whether in the form of self-pleasuring or sex with a partner, it can impair your mental clarity and memory. Remember that phosphorus and zinc are major components of s*men, which also keep your brain healthy and sharp. Withholding your s*men can increase the power of your memory by retaining these essential nutrients.”
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Mantak Chia Sources
- All quotes by Mantak Chia (37 quotes)
- Chi Nei Tsang (2 quotes)
- Emotional Wisdom (2 quotes)
- Life Pulse Massage (1 quote)
- Living in the Tao (5 quotes)
- Taoist Secrets of Love (13 quotes)
- The Healing Energy of Shared Consciousness (1 quote)
- The Inner Smile (7 quotes)
- The Multi-Org*smic Man (1 quote)
- The Multi-Org*smic Woman (1 quote)
- The Practice of Greater Kan and Li (2 quotes)
- Other quotes by Mantak Chia (2 quotes)