Mantak Chia Quotes

Best 13 Taoist Secrets of Love Quotes by Mantak Chia

Taoist Secrets of Love Quotes

“At heart most men are as terrified of women's infinite sexual capacity as they are fascinated by it. The general effect on men is to make them feel sexually insecure and causes them to attempt to compensate with some other strength. Sexual insecurity may be the primary reason men have sought physical, political, financial, intellectual, and religious advantage over women.”

Taoist Secrets of Love

“For your own sake, do not abandon your integrity for the sake of physical pleasure or the pretense that you are doing deep spiritual exercises. If you sleep with one whom you don't love, your subtle energies will not be in balance and psychic warfare can begin. This will take its toll no matter how far apart you are physically until you sever or heal the psychic connection. It's better to be honest in the beginning.”

Taoist Secrets of Love

“How can you love a woman in your arms if you are busy holding another one in your dreams?”

Taoist Secrets of Love

“If the goal is to build up one's sexual energy, what's the harm of sleeping with a lot of different women (or men) to increase
your ching chi?

The goal is not to build up one's sexual energy — it is to transform raw sexual energy into a refined subtle energy. Sex is
only one means of doing that.”

Taoist Secrets of Love

“If you think you can love two women at once, be ready to spend double the chi to transform and balance their energy. I doubt if many men can really do that and feel deep serenity. For the sake of simplicity, limit yourself to one woman at a time. It takes a lot of time and energy to cultivate the subtle energies to a deep level.”

Taoist Secrets of Love

“It is impossible to define love precisely. You have to consult your inner voice. But cultivating your chi energy sensitizes you to your conscience. What was a distant whisper before may become a very loud voice.”

Taoist Secrets of Love

“Make love only when you feel true tenderness within yourself. Your power to love will thus grow stronger. Selfish or manipulative use of sex even with someone with whom you are in love can cause great disharmony. If you feel unable to use your sexual power lovingly, then do not use it at all!”

Taoist Secrets of Love

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“Never compromise your integrity of body, mind and spirit. In choosing a lover you are choosing your destiny, so make sure you love the woman with whom you have sex. Then you will be in harmony with what flows from the exchange and your actions will be proper.”

Taoist Secrets of Love

“Promiscuity can easily lower your energy if you choose partners with moral or physical weakness. If you lie with degenerates, it may hurt you, in that you can temporarily acquire your partner's vileness. By exchanging subtle energy, you actually absorb the other's substance. You become the other person and assume new karmic burdens. This is why old couples resemble each other so closely: they have exchanged so much energy that they are made of the same life-stuff. This practice accelerates this union, but elevates it to a higher level of spiritual experience.”

Taoist Secrets of Love

“Sex essence is the source of all energy available for creative and thinking processes.”

Taoist Secrets of Love

“Sex is a gleaming, sharp, two-edged sword, a healing tool that can quickly become a weapon. If used for base purposes, it cuts you mercilessly. If you haven't found a partner with whom you can be truly gentle, then simply touch no one. Go back to building your internal energy and when it gets high you will either attract a quality lover or learn a deeper level within yourself.”

Taoist Secrets of Love

“Sp*rm is the storehouse of male sexual energy. A single ejac*lation has 200 to 500 million sp*rm cells, each a potential human being.

There are enough sp*rmotozoa lost in a single org*sm to populate the entire United States if each cell was to fertilize an egg.”

Taoist Secrets of Love

“Taoists view any attempt to describe the totality of nature, the Tao, as futile. They found it far more useful to find ways of experiencing deeper harmony with it.”

Taoist Secrets of Love

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