Mantak Chia Quotes

Best 7 The Inner Smile Quotes by Mantak Chia

The Inner Smile Quotes

“Avoid excess. Walking too long harms the tendons; sitting too long harms the flesh; standing too long harms the bones; lying down too long harms vital energy; and gazing too long harms the blood.”

The Inner Smile

“In ancient China, the Taoist masters recognized the power of smiling energy. They practiced an Inner Smile to themselves, which moved chi energy and produced a high grade of chi, and achieved health, happiness, and longevity. Smiling to oneself is like basking in love: you become your own best friend. Living with an inner smile is to live in harmony with yourself.”

The Inner Smile

“In Taoism we regard the negative emotions as low-grade energy. Many people operate their lives in anger, sadness, depression, fear, worry, and other kinds of negative energy. These types of energy are bound to cause chronic disease and to steal our major life force. The Inner Smile is the true smile for all parts of the body, including all the organs, glands, and muscles, as well as the nervous system. It will produce a high grade of energy that can heal and eventually be transformed into an even higher grade of energy.”

The Inner Smile

“Negative emotions will disturb you and waste your life force. The inner smile technique can remove these negative emotions.”

The Inner Smile

“The inner smile directs smiling energy into our organs and glands, which are so vital to life. Ironically, although we often pay a great deal of attention to our outer appearance, very few of us are aware of our inner organs and glands: what they look like, where they're located, or what their functions are. Worse yet, we are insensitive to the subtle warnings they send us when we mistreat them with poor diets and unhealthy lifestyles. We are like a boss who never pays any attention to his or her employees and is startled when things go wrong. If we're acquainted with our organs and glands, appreciate what they do, and learn to hear their messages, they will reward us with relaxation and vitality.”

The Inner Smile

“Too much anger, grief, pity, or melancholy is harmful, as is too much joy or pleasure.

Prolonged suffering is harmful; prolonged abstinence from sexual activity is harmful; prolonged anxiety is harmful.

In short, to neglect moderation is harmful.”

The Inner Smile

“Try not to use your senses too much. Don't look at or listen to anything for too long at a time.

Whenever the senses are used excessively, sickness can result.”

The Inner Smile

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“Sometimes, for a short time the mind finds itself in quiescence. In this state of mind there is neither raga nor dvesha; this silent mental state is called tushnim avastha. It occurs in the waking state, the jagrat avastha. The aspirant mistakes this neutral state of mind for samadhi. This is an obstacle on the path of God-realization, and should, therefore, be overcome by careful introspection and vigorous meditation.”

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