Mantak Chia Quotes

Best The Practice of Greater Kan and Li Quotes by Mantak Chia

The Practice of Greater Kan and Li Quotes

“Dream Meditation Practices are best performed in an isolated (close to nature) chamber that is clean and dry. Diet should be modified before practice so that solid food is reduced and a sense of lightness is obtained. This meditation is best done after bathing; the student can be nude or wear a light robe.”

The Practice of Greater Kan and Li

“Healthy nutrition is just as much an art as science. It is important to test and investigate methods and foods in your own laboratory (your body) and observe how various things affect you.”

The Practice of Greater Kan and Li

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“By approaching the verge, yet avoiding a physical climax, the couples tether on the brink of pleasurable ecstasy, while mentally absorbing, circulating and re-channelling sexual energy upwards – as they explore this euphoric summit together – and this can go on for as long as they desire.”

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