Marc Allen Quotes Page 2


Best 37 Quotes by Marc Allen – Page 2 of 2

“You will receive what you ask for no more, no less.”

“Your education experience, talent intelligence, and financial situations don't matter. The important thing is the direction in which you focus your unique, powerful, creative mind.”

A Visionary Life Quotes

“In an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, in its own perfect time.”

A Visionary Life

The Millionaire Course Quotes

“Care for your infant business or career as you would care for your infant child - with loving attention, with no expectation of any reward, being in the moment with it, accepting it as is, watching it grow, enjoying every step of the way.”

The Millionaire Course

“In partnership, the result is harmony, respect, love, and an explosion of creativity and joy.”

The Millionaire Course

“The greatest solution of all is to live and work in partnership with yourself, your family and friends, your work and community, your nation, your world, nature, and spirit.”

The Millionaire Course

“You receive a great number of rewards as soon as you begin creating something you dream of deep within your soul.”

The Millionaire Course

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“A man’s world will be right if he is right. Follow your moral compass and obey your conscience. Your people are counting on you to be the best you can be.”

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