Mark Minervini Quotes Page 3


Best 67 Quotes by Mark Minervini – Page 3 of 3

Think & Trade Like a Champion Quotes

“When a position moves against you and you’re at a loss, especially right after you buy, it’s simple—you made a mistake. It may be that you’re missing an element in your selection criteria, or your timing could be off.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“When you sell half, if the stock goes higher you say to yourself, “Thank goodness I kept half.” If the stock goes lower, you’ll say, “Thank goodness I sold half.” Psychologically, it’s a win/win either way.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“Winning horses don’t back up into the gate.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“With each buy order I enter, I know the exact price where I am going to sell at a loss if things don’t work out as expected. I define this price level before I get in.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“You deserve success! But only if you do the right things; the market has no pity on fools.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“You must not risk more than you can reasonably expect to gain; otherwise, you’re stacking the odds against you, and that’s gambling.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“You must shed the belief that there is something missing inside of you—some intelligence, aptitude, or special talent—that keeps you from “getting it.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

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