Mark Minervini Quotes


Best 40 Think & Trade Like a Champion Quotes by Mark Minervini – Page 1 of 2

Think & Trade Like a Champion Quotes

“As a stock trader, when you strip off what feels natural and learn to do what feels unnatural, you become supernatural.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“During a difficult trading environment your gains will be smaller and less frequent than during a healthy market. When this occurs, remember three words (with a nod to Nike): “Adjust” Do It! Always think risk in relation to reward. You must adjust your risk as a function of potential reward.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“Expectancy is your percentage of winning trades multiplied by your average gain, divided by your percentage of losing trades multiplied by your average loss. Maintain a positive expectancy, and you’re a winner. My results went from average to stellar when I finally made the choice that I was going to make every trade an intelligent risk/reward decision.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“Four very dangerous words: 'Just this one time'.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“Hope is not a strategy.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“I want to be at a profit immediately. If I don’t see a profit very soon after I buy the stock, I’m inclined to just get out.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“I went from mediocre to a stellar performer when I told myself: To heck with worrying about the money and obsessing over the scoreboard. I’m just going to focus on being the best trader I can be and sticking to the rules. Then the money followed.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“If you don’t have a plan, you will surely experience paralyzing emotions and second-guess yourself at key decision-making moments.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“If you want success in the stock market, before you do anything, you should develop a plan.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“If you want to mitigate risk effectively, you simply must acknowledge that stocks don’t manage themselves. You’re the manager, and it’s up to you to protect your hard-earned capital.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“In the stock market, those who are not humble are destined to be humbled.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“In the stock market, you can make money or you can make excuses, but you can’t make both. Do whatever it takes to eliminate your own personal excuses. Your road to success starts by taking responsibility. Don’t blame outside factors for your lack of success.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“Investing styles may differ among successful market players, but without exception, winning stock traders share certain key traits required for success. Fall short in those qualities and you will surely part ways with your money.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“It doesn’t feel great breaking even on a trade that was once a profit, but it feels a lot better than when you let a good-size gain turn into a losing trade.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“It’s better to lose correctly than to win incorrectly.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“Long-term success in the stock market has nothing to do with hope or luck. Winning stock traders have rules and a well-thought-out plan. Conversely, losers lack rules, or if they have rules, they don’t stick to them for very long; they deviate.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

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“The present is always tending toward the future and there are always in existing conditions signals of danger or encouragement for those who read with care.”

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“Luck is a short-term phenomenon. In the long run, luck is for losers.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“Never stray from the basics of rule number one of always going in with a plan.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“Not losing big is the single most important factor for winning big. As a speculator, losing is not a choice, but how much you lose is.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“Once I make a profit, that money belongs to me. Yesterday’s profit is part of today’s principal.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“Potential and possibility reside in the fertile field of the unknown.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“Specialists get paid well, while those who know a little about many things make good conversation at parties.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“The CLUM principle; comfortable equals less and uncomfortable equals more.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“The key is to see things as they are—operating in the now—without seeing things as worse than they are out of fear, or better than they are out of greed.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“The reason most investors fail to sell and cut their loss short is because they fear that after they sell the stock might go back up and they will be wrong twice. It’s driven by the fear of regret, which stems from pure ego!”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“There are many distractions that can cloud your judgment when trading. Your job is to keep your thinking pure and focused on what matters within your own circle of competence. The hallmark of a pro is to operate within this circle and ignore everything else.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“Those who succeed big at anything all have the same attitude: You keep going until it happens or you die trying. Quitting is not an option.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“To compound your money, and not your mistakes, your goal is to buy on the way up—not on the way down.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“Trading is serious business with real money on the line. Why would you go into it without a well-thought-out plan of action? Yet, most people do.”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

“Trading without a stop-loss is like driving a car without brakes. Maybe you could make it around the block a few times, but if you did drive without brakes, how far do you think you could go before you crash?”

Think & Trade Like a Champion

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“The majority of unskilled investors stubbornly hold onto their losses when the losses are small and reasonable. They could get out cheaply, but being emotionally involved and human, they keep waiting and hoping until their loss gets much bigger and costs them dearly.”

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