Mark Sisson Quotes


Best 71 Quotes by Mark Sisson – Page 1 of 3

Primal Endurance Quotes

“Believe it or not, going out and doing four to six hundred-meter sprints is a perfectly respectable workout for an endurance athlete. That’s only a couple minutes total of hard work.”

Primal Endurance

“If you do a single set of pullups each day, you most likely won’t get any bigger, but such a habit will definitely contribute to getting you stronger.”

Primal Endurance

“Lift something heavy most every day, even if it’s just your weary body up to the pullup bar a few times.”

Primal Endurance

“Maximum Sustained Power workouts are much less taxing on the cardio endurance component and instead focus on going for max power or going home. Literally, you end your mini-sets when you can’t lift the heavy bar again due to accumulated fatigue.

Or, in the case of vertical jumps or calibrated exercise equipment, you stop the set when you fall materially short of your baseline absolute power performance standard that you started the workout with.”

Primal Endurance

“MSP workouts involve full-body functional movements like deadlifts, squats, leg presses, and vertical jumps. MSP workouts feature heavy weights, few reps, and more rest. By doing a succession of mini-sets, you 'go max or go home'.”

Primal Endurance

“Primal Essential Movements — four of the most simple and effective exercises ever known to humankind: pushups, pullups, squats, and planks.

Collectively, these exercises work all the muscles in your body and promote functional fitness for a broad application of athletic and daily life activities.”

Primal Endurance

“Stacking an MSP strength training with a sprint session can deliver performance benefits via the concept of postactivation potentiation.

You literally 'pump up' your muscles and central nervous system by challenging muscles under load prior to sprinting.”

Primal Endurance

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“That means to push very heavy weight, repeatedly, and to constantly strive to elevate both your baseline numbers and the total weight lifted at the workout — until you start to reach a natural limit relative to your competitive goals.

This will deliver improvements in strength and subsequent improvements in endurance performance, and also maximize the hormonal, anti-aging benefits of the workout.”

Primal Endurance

“The Primal Essential Movements offer a simple, entry-level way to include strength training in your lifestyle. They entail conducting pushups, pullups, squats, and planks on a regular basis, with more attention to paid to formal workouts during the intensity training phases.”

Primal Endurance

“To conduct an MSP workout, you’ll lift your new five-rep max weight 180 pounds three or four times, then rest for ten to twenty seconds.

Then you’ll do three more reps at 180, rest a bit, do two more at 180, rest a bit, do two more at 180, rest a bit, do two more at 180, rest a bit, then perhaps only muster up one rep on your final 'mini-set'.

That, friends, is a beautiful Maximum Sustained Power workout! In contrast, consider the typical approach of trying to execute your five-rep max deadlift weight consecutively, with no rest break.

You might hit five reps the first set, another five reps on the second set, and then be crapped out like a Vegas high roller.”

Primal Endurance

“What’s 30 or 60 or 90 days in the scope of your life? Experimenting with a potentially healthier approach can’t hurt, and it might just change your life!”

Primal Endurance

“When you eat right and sleep like a primal champ, your body does a good job recovering and getting stronger from bouts of appropriate stress like an occasional tough workout.”

Primal Endurance

The Keto Reset Diet Quotes

“Cutting carbs, protein, and fat to the extent that you get insufficient total calories and overall nutrition is a bad deal. Our genetics are highly averse to overexercising; the frequent depletion and fatigue is perceived to be a matter of life or death, as it was in primal times.

Consequently, our appetite and reproductive hormones rage in response to the extent that we not only overeat, but also that we direct those calories to be stored as fat instead of burned.

When you add to the picture the common themes of insufficient sleep and overly stressful lifestyle patterns with insufficient downtime, you have a high-stress approach that puts you at risk of total operating system failure: blowing out your thyroid, frying your adrenal glands, picking up a mysterious autoimmune illness, or landing with other world-of-hurt conditions that often escape the diagnostics of Western medicine.”

The Keto Reset Diet

“The ingestion of carbohydrates, especially the refined grains and sugars that are so prominent in the modern diet, causes a spike in blood sugar and a temporary energy boost.

Then, because a glucose overdose is toxic in the bloodstream, insulin floods the bloodstream to remove any glucose you don’t burn immediately and stores it as either glycogen (in the liver and muscle tissues) or in the fat cells as triglyceride (the storage form of fat).

When insulin removes glucose from your bloodstream and transports it into storage, you experience the familiar sugar crash and a craving for quick-energy carbohydrates.

You have plenty of fat energy locked away in storage, but a high-insulin-producing diet prevents you from being able to access it. Instead, you become reliant on your next snack or meal for energy, and you exist in a state of carbohydrate dependency.”

The Keto Reset Diet

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


The Primal Blueprint Quotes

“A significant amount of Conventional Wisdom about healthy eating is marketing fodder that grossly distorts the fundamental truth that humans thrive on natural plant and animal foods or that relies on gimmicks to support the dogma of flawed, manipulated 'research'.”

The Primal Blueprint

“Anthropological evidence strongly suggests that it was saturated fats, protein and omega-3 fatty acids from animal foods that provided both the raw materials and energy necessary for the human brain to grow larger and more sophisticated over the course of evolution.”

The Primal Blueprint

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“Everybody, one day, will die and be forgotten.”

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“Calm, quiet, dark evenings, and consistent bed and wake times are critical factors for high quality sleep.”

The Primal Blueprint

“Carbohydrate controls insulin; insulin controls fat storage. Carbohydrates are not used as structural components in the body; instead they are used only as a form of fuel, whether burned immediately while passing by different organs and muscles or stored for later use.

All forms of carbohydrates you eat, whether simple or complex, are eventually converted into glucose, which the brain, red blood cells and nerve cells generally prefer as a primary fuel.”

The Primal Blueprint

“Cholesterol is a little waxy lipid (fat) molecule that happens to be one of the most important substances in the human body. Every cell membrane has cholesterol as a critical structural and functional component.

Brain cells need cholesterol to make synapses (connections) with other brain cells. Cholesterol is the precursor molecule for important hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, DHEA, cortisol, and pregnenolone.

Cholesterol is needed for making the bile acids that allow us to digest and absorb fats. Cholesterol interacts with sunlight to convert into the all-important vitamin D. Bottom line is that you can’t live without cholesterol,”

The Primal Blueprint

“Coconut’s distinctive medium-chain composition has been shown to offer protection from heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and many other degenerative illnesses, to improve immune function and fat metabolism, and to protect against liver damage from alcohol and other toxins, and deliver anti-inflammatory and immune-supporting properties.”

The Primal Blueprint

“Considering all the comforts and medical advancements of modern life, we could easily argue that we currently exist in a state of devolution.

For the most part, this is great (many of us have suffered illnesses or traumas over the course of our lives that would have killed us a century ago, let alone 1,000 or 10,000 years ago).

However, we must be vigilant not to let the advantages of modern life compromise our health.”

The Primal Blueprint

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“Eating a low-fat diet rich in whole grains such as bread, rice, pasta, and cereal can easily make you fat and malnourished.”

The Primal Blueprint

“If circumstances require that your sleep habits depart from the earth’s natural light and dark cycles, make a strong effort to sleep with an eye mask in a completely darkened room, since all of your skin cells are sensitive and responsive to light — not just your eyes.”

The Primal Blueprint

“If you have a habit of disrespecting consistent sleep time habits, you create momentum in the wrong direction and will struggle to achieve basic health and fitness goals, especially losing excess body fat.”

The Primal Blueprint

“If you wish to succeed with healthy dietary habits, it’s important that you discard any negative emotions you have toward eating and embrace each meal as an opportunity to enjoy yourself. I strongly recommend that you give yourself permission to eat as much as you want, whenever you want, for the rest of your life.

While this suggestion might scare the heck out of you, releasing yourself from restriction and deprivation enables you to become more connected with your physical nutritional needs rather than being driven by emotional triggers.”

The Primal Blueprint

“Macadamia nuts earn a distinction above other nuts and seeds because of their superior nutritional value.”

The Primal Blueprint

“Mostly, your success depends on how diligent you are in keeping dietary insulin levels low.”

The Primal Blueprint

“Nor the egg making you fat – it’s the carbs! The carbs cause high levels of insulin which steer both carbs and fat (and protein) into your fat cells.”

The Primal Blueprint

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“Our government’s laws, subsidies, and diet education efforts (grain-based USDA food pyramid, anyone?) are seemingly driven more by lobbyists for the beef, grain, and dairy industries than by unbiased scientific evaluation and concern for human health.”

The Primal Blueprint

“Our primal ancestors were likely stronger and healthier than we are today.”

The Primal Blueprint

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“There’s an important difference and distinction between the objective medical fact of my being an amputee and the subjective societal opinion of whether or not I’m disabled.

Truthfully, the only real and consistent disability I’ve had to confront is the world ever thinking that I could be described by those definitions.”

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