Marty Rubin Quotes Page 4


Best 110 Quotes by Marty Rubin – Page 4 of 4

“Truth is what's left when you run out of excuses.”

“We reach the end of our lives long before we reach the end of ourselves.”

“We waste this life dreaming of another.”

“We're all stumbling in the dark, and that makes for some pretty interesting collisions.”

“What bends, can break.”

“What doesn't kill us makes a good story.”

“What joy compares with that of a bird that has just learned she can fly?”

“What would beauty be if the whole world were blind?”

“What you do to kill time is your real work.”

“When a thing becomes indispensable it's time to give it up.”

“When people don't do what they want, they don't know what to do.”

“When you enjoy a thought or activity, it's irrelevant whether it's meaningful or not.”

“When you have no expectations, they're easy to fulfill.”

“Where does injustice begin? With unjust laws.”

“Wisdom is knowing when you have enough.”

“You are free to create your own way of being. There are no rules.”

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