Max Freedom Long Quotes

Best 11 The Thrice-Coiled Serpent Quotes by Max Freedom Long

The Thrice-Coiled Serpent Quotes

“After an emissio nocturna eighteen days from the start, I built a small electric contact ring to wear at night. In the event of an ulepe (ulepe erectio) it caused a small buzzer to awaken me.

Thanks to the instrument, my experiments went forward with entire success for a period of nearly four months. The results were quickly evident.

Sex soon took on a 'Springtime' glow. The girl students with whom I associated daily, became laughably glamorous. I noted with chuckles how they ascended their thrones and became white, mysterious and almost holy before my sex-stimulated senses.”

The Thrice-Coiled Serpent

“Another result was observed in a strange thing, that would happen to me if I chanced to stand face to face with a woman at close range, say three foot.

There would seem to be a sudden electrical discharge which shocked me in the solar plexus region and was as painful as if I had been shot there with an air rifle pullet.

I would wince violently, and had to invent excuses for doing so. I found, by carrying on painfully, that not all women caused me to get such a reaction when near them, but about one in seven to ten did. The women seemed to feel nothing.”

The Thrice-Coiled Serpent

“Apart from Theosophy, I had been reading Hiram Butler's famous book on sex, 'Practical Methods to Insure Success'.

He advocated complete continence, promising men that they would re-absorb seminal fluids after they had turned to clear globular structures in the prostate gland.

Such absorption was to give marvelous psychic development and nearly magical worldly success.

For the women he promised an eventual end to menstrual flows, and the same results in psychic and worldly advancement.”

The Thrice-Coiled Serpent

“Eventually I discovered that people in my dreams were not always a part or it, but were evidently individuals with wills of their own. They looked like dream people, but could be told from them because I could will the former to act as I desired, but not the latter.

Sometimes these intruders into my self-dictated dreams elected to take parts very nicely in the dramas I started and sat back to watch proceed. At other times they tried to run away with my show.

Sometimes they appeared dangerously antagonistic, even frighteningly devilish and prone to attack me - at which times I neatly escaped them by rousing to full consciousness and, I suppose broke off the dream which made them able to appear.”

The Thrice-Coiled Serpent

“Having been warned not to do so, I made no effort to try to raise the serpent fires of the kundalini.

But I watched and waited hopefully, half expecting to experience a sudden fiery uprush along my spine and a gush of open consciousness leading slightly toward 'masterhood' whatever that might be.”

The Thrice-Coiled Serpent

“I decided that I dreamed constantly, day and night, but that only when asleep at night could I normally see the dreams.”

The Thrice-Coiled Serpent

“I was working my way through school and attended a lunch and refreshment stand for an hour each noon period. Girls began coming to buy food and then hanging around silently as if attracted by some mysterious something.

They came daily, and their number gradually grew to over a dozen. They sat around on the brick arcade seats, or stood around, seldom noticing each other, but often glancing absently or wonderingly in my direction.

I judged that some inner sense told the feminine in them that here was a male before whom they should present themselves. Naturally, I did not allow myself any reaction. The group changed its membership for the most part, only about four girls coming regularly, and never did the group exceed twenty in number.

At that, the crowded space on the arcade prevented most from coming nearer me than ten foot, except when buying food, at which time I took care to keep well clear and not chance being 'shot in the stomach by the electrical effect'.”

The Thrice-Coiled Serpent

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“In 1915, as a man of 25, and single, I joined the T.S. and applied to Mr A.P. Warrington for guidance in putting to the test the several claims of Theosophy. I offered to 'live the life' to the letter, if he would plot it for me and run a check on the results. With some reluctance he agreed.

The program advocated for me included daily meditation and concentration, based on the Gita and similar books, vegetarianism, utterly moral living and thinking, and complete sexual abstinence. The last included a complete retention of the semina.

Circumspectly, I consulted a physician and asked if such a program met with his approval. He approved all, but said he had not yet met a man who had maintained such retention over long periods.”

The Thrice-Coiled Serpent

“My dreams became filled with such seductive women that I hardly dared sleep lest I forgot in my dreams my experimental purposes. The struggle became gradually intense.

Then came an important development. I began to carry my waking consciousness of my experimental purposes and waking conditions with my into the dream consciousness.”

The Thrice-Coiled Serpent

“Soon I could fall asleep and still know that my dreams were only dreams. And, because I had to reject sex-temptation dreams, I learned to use my will to control the nature of my dreams.

I would will one dream to go, and make a mental picture of a scene, stage play or whatever I desired. Once the mental picture was made, the sleeping consciousness would take it and carry on.

A stage play would go from scene to scene. I got fine music. I enjoyed high and brilliant entertainment. True, the sleep consciousness was illogical, and had to be controlled lest it wander off on some tangent idea and jumble the show.

It had a delightful way of packing hours of show into minutes of actual time, so that I could dream a day of events in a few minutes of sleep.”

The Thrice-Coiled Serpent

“There and then I decided that a very simple stop into insanity would be to get caught thus in the dream world and to remain unaware of the real surroundings. In such insanity there would be a lack of obsessional entities, a lack of physical causes for insanity, and a very definite breaking down of the faculty of memory.

I still wonder how many there are in our asylums who have slipped into the dream world by some accident, and have boon unable to return – have lost all memory of the real world surrounding them.

I also wonder if there is not some way to reach them in their dream world and bringthem safely back. How can we awaken them, with an awakening similar to that experienced each morning by most of us?”

The Thrice-Coiled Serpent

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