Mel Robbins Quotes

Best 17 The High 5 Habit Quotes by Mel Robbins

The High 5 Habit Quotes

“A high five is so much more than a slap of a hand. It’s a transfer of energy and belief from one person to another. It awakens something within you. It’s a reminder of something you’ve forgotten. Every high five said I believe in you, which made me believe in myself and in my ability to push forward, step by step.”

The High 5 Habit

“Change the way you look at the world, and the world you’re looking at changes. Yes, it is that simple.”

The High 5 Habit

“Current limiting belief: I screw everything up. I am a failure.

Flip it: I forgive myself for the things I did when I was trying to survive. Every day I am becoming a better version of myself.”

The High 5 Habit

“Current limiting belief: It’s not the right time for my dreams to come true.

Flip it: If I put in the work, I can make this happen.”

The High 5 Habit

“Do it anyway. Part of the reason why you don’t have what you want in your life is because when you don’t feel like doing it, you don’t do it. Your life only gets easier when you do the hard things all the time. Push through your resignation and do it.”

The High 5 Habit

“Every morning, before you look at your phone or let the world in, take a moment to be with your reflection.”

The High 5 Habit

“Instead of getting up and looking at social media, or emails, or taking care of everyone else — just take a moment and give that same love, support, and attention to yourself.”

The High 5 Habit

“Let’s get those dark glasses off, chuck those horrible things you say in the trash, and start training your brain to see you and your future in a whole new way.”

The High 5 Habit

“Meaningful Mantras

- I deserve to feel good today.
- I am an awesome person.
- I have my own back.
- What broke my heart opened my eyes.
- This is teaching me something I need to know.
- Today is going to be a good day.
- I am enough just as I am.
- I will figure this out.
- Every day, I’m getting a little stronger.
- Don’t believe me? Watch.
- I can handle this.
- Bring it on.
- What’s meant for me is trying to find me.
- I am stronger than I think.
- I am allowed to be a work in progress.
- This scares me and I’m doing it anyway.
- My new chapter is just beginning.
- The world needs my story.
- I am growing every day.
- I choose to focus on what I can control.
- This moment is temporary.
- If I put in the work, it will happen.”

The High 5 Habit

“Negative thoughts fry your nervous system.”

The High 5 Habit

“No matter how atrocious your past was, you can create a different future. It doesn’t matter that your habits are self-destructive or that your mistakes have been disastrous. You can change what happens next. Know that no matter how deep your pit of shame may be, you can climb out of it and start over.”

The High 5 Habit

“One of the most important revelations you can ever have is that your life and your happiness begins and ends inside your own mind. What you say to yourself, how you treat yourself, and the thoughts that run on repeat are everything.”

The High 5 Habit

“People pleasers think they’re being 'nice'. Nope, we’re liars. If you’re a people pleaser, you will behave in a way to manipulate what somebody thinks about you. That’s why you spend most of your energy curating yourself so that you fit in, or will be liked, or so that no one’s mad at you. You are manipulating what people think about you. Instead of just showing up as yourself and making decisions that work for you, you twist yourself in knots so that other people won’t be upset with you. Courage and confidence dissolve guilt.”

The High 5 Habit

“Regardless of how you learned to beat yourself up, the bottom line is if it makes you miserable, you have a responsibility to change it.”

The High 5 Habit

“Shame is like a pair of dark sunglasses. It colors everything you see.”

The High 5 Habit

“When it comes to celebrating and encouraging yourself, you not only fall seriously short — you do the opposite. You trash yourself. You look at yourself in the mirror and pick yourself apart. You tear yourself down and argue against your own goals and dreams. You bend over backward for other people and never for yourself.”

The High 5 Habit

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“Many people don’t even dare to be authentic with their partner. They think they need to keep some parts hidden. As much as possible, they prefer to show their partner their 'presentable self' only.

They believe that, if they were to be authentic and up-front about their desires and needs, it would place too much strain on the relationship.

The very opposite is the case, though: authenticity is what makes a relationship exciting and lively.”

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“You may not know that you have three core emotional needs: to be seen, heard, and loved for the unique individual that you are. When those emotional needs aren’t met, it’s not only a form of neglect, but you will feel unloved, invisible, and unfulfilled.”

The High 5 Habit