Michael A. Singer Quotes


Best 59 Quotes by Michael A. Singer – Page 1 of 2

The Untethered Soul Quotes

“Acceptance means events can make it through you without resistance.”

The Untethered Soul

“Billions of things are going on in this world. You can think about it all you want, but life is still going to keep on happening.”

The Untethered Soul

“Consciousness is always drawn to the most distracting object: the bumped toe, the loud noise, or the hurting heart.”

The Untethered Soul

“Death changes everything in a flash. That’s the reality of the situation. If all these things can be changed in an instant, then maybe they aren’t so real after all.”

The Untethered Soul

“Decide not to fight with life.”

The Untethered Soul

“Do not doubt your ability to remove the root cause of the disturbance inside of you. It really can go away.”

The Untethered Soul

“Do not let anything that happens in life be important enough that you’re willing to close your heart over it.”

The Untethered Soul

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“Enjoy life instead of clinging to it or pushing it away. If you can live like that, each moment will change you. If you are willing to experience the gift of life instead of fighting with it, you will be moved to the depth of your being.”

The Untethered Soul

“Eventually you will see that the real cause of problem is not life itself. It's the commotion the mind makes about life that really causes the problems.”

The Untethered Soul

“Everything will be okay as soon as you are okay with everything. And that’s the only time everything will be okay.”

The Untethered Soul

“Fear is the cause of every problem. It’s the root of all prejudices and the negative emotions of anger, jealousy, and possessiveness. If you had no fear, you could be perfectly happy living in this world.”

The Untethered Soul

“If experience is the best teacher, there's nothing that comes close to the experience of life.”

The Untethered Soul

“If you really want to see why you do things, then don’t do them and see what happens.”

The Untethered Soul

“If you truly love someone, your love sees past their humanness.”

The Untethered Soul

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“It is not life’s events that are causing problems or stress. It is your resistance to life’s events that is causing this experience.”

The Untethered Soul

“Just as everything that happens outside in the physical world requires energy, everything that happens inside requires an expenditure of energy.”

The Untethered Soul

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“If we stay aware and acknowledge the great mystery that is this life, we will see that we have been perfectly placed, in exactly the right position to make all the difference in the world.”

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“Life is continuously changing, and if you’re trying to control it, you’ll never be able to fully live it.”

The Untethered Soul

“Life on Earth rarely unfolds exactly as we want it to, and if we resist, our experience can be quite unpleasant.”

The Untethered Soul

“Live your life without getting uptight and worrying about it.”

The Untethered Soul

“One of the essential requirements for true spiritual growth and deep personal transformation is coming to peace with pain.”

The Untethered Soul

“Only you can take inner freedom away from yourself, or give it to yourself. Nobody else can.”

The Untethered Soul

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“Reality is just too real for most of us, so we temper it with the mind.”

The Untethered Soul

“Some of the most beautiful poetry and music have come from people who were in turmoil. Great art comes from the depth of one’s being.”

The Untethered Soul

“The only permanent solution to your problems is to go inside and let go of the part of you that seems to have so many problems with reality.”

The Untethered Soul

“The only thing there is to get from life is the growth that comes from experiencing it.”

The Untethered Soul

“The purpose of your life is to enjoy and learn from your experiences. You were not put on Earth to suffer. You’re not helping anybody by being miserable. Regardless of your philosophical beliefs, the fact remains that you were born and you are going to die.”

The Untethered Soul

“The real cause of problems is not life itself. It’s the commotion the mind makes about life that really causes problems.”

The Untethered Soul

“The spiritual journey is one of constant transformation. In order to grow, you must give up the struggle to remain the same, and learn to embrace change at all times.”

The Untethered Soul

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“The truth is that most of life will unfold in accordance with forces far outside your control, regardless of what your mind says about it.”

The Untethered Soul

“There are two ways you can live: you can devote your life to staying in your comfort zone, or you can work on your freedom.”

The Untethered Soul

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