Michael Altshuler Quotes Page 2


Best 39 Quotes by Michael Altshuler – Page 2 of 2

Twitter post Quotes

“The ultimate paradox: change is the only constant.”

Twitter post

“There is no such thing as winning or losing. You either win or learn. So any way you look at it, you're winning.”

Twitter post

“To get people to hear what you say, speak from the head; to get people to feel what you say, speak from your heart.”

Twitter post

“To have an open heart doesn't require surgery.”

Twitter post

“We are constantly being bombarded with negative stuff from the outside world (the news, people, situations, etc.). Avoid what you can. Be aware and take control of what you surround yourself with. Don't let the outside world control your inside world.”

Twitter post

“When I was young, the world was black and white. Now that I'm older, everything is grey, including my hair.”

Twitter post

“Words spoken from the head are heard. Words spoken from the heart are felt.”

Twitter post

“You can't succeed in the outside world unless you succeed in your inside world.”

Twitter post

“Your 'why' will always provide your 'way'.”

Twitter post

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