Michael Landon Quotes Page 2


Best 39 Quotes by Michael Landon – Page 2 of 2

“There are a lot of things in this world that are more important than being popular. Being true to yourself is one of them.”

“To stay with someone when you no longer have anything in common is the cruelest thing to do to a child. It's much better to divorce and have two parents happy.”

“We each have our own miracles.”

“Whatever you want to do, do it now. There are only so many tomorrows.”

“When a man knows he's being wronged and that he should yell right back at his boss, but is afraid to because he fears being fired, then he had just convinced himself that he's a coward and that is one of the worst things you can do to a person. I don't blame a man for keeping his mouth shut in circumstances like that, but he will blame himself, and that is horrible.”

“With a houseful of kids, you give each other strength.”

“Yes, I am perfect. It's a problem I've had all my life.”

“You can die of the cure before you die of the illness.”

“You don't dissolve a relationship to go to bed with someone 20 years younger. You have to have major differences to stop a relationship, after as many years as I was married. With a wife and seven children, there's always a problem.”

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“My parents worked their tails off, but we weren't the poorest people in town. Some people I went to school with, you could tell they were dirt poor.”

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