Michael Matthews Quotes


Best 57 Bigger Leaner Stronger Quotes by Michael Matthews – Page 1 of 2

Bigger Leaner Stronger Quotes

“A calorie is the energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree Celsius. This is also called a kilocalorie or large calorie, and is used to represent the energy value of food.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“A carbohydrate is a molecule composed of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen that can be broken down in the body to release energy.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“A high-protein diet is absolutely vital for building muscle and preserving it when you’re dieting for fat loss. A low-protein diet is absolutely good for nothing. End of story.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“A protein is a naturally occurring compound that’s composed of one or more long chains of amino acids.

Proteins are an essential part of all organisms and are used to create body tissues such as muscle, hair, and skin, as well as various chemicals vital to life.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“A sensible recommendation: if you’re overweight and don’t exercise, you shouldn’t eat a bunch of simple carbohydrates every day.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“Always set goals and be looking to improve. Don’t just try to stay the same, because things tend to either get better or get worse.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“An amino acid is a naturally occurring compound found in proteins.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“An enzyme is a substance produced by organisms that causes specific chemical reactions.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“Anabolism is a metabolic process in an organism by which energy is used to make more complex substances (such as tissue) from simpler ones (such as proteins). This is also known as constructive metabolism.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“Any food that contains 'hydrogenated oil' or 'partially hydrogenated oil' likely contains trans fats, so just don’t eat it.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“Cardio is negotiable.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“Catabolism is the metabolic process by which more complex substances (such as proteins) are broken down into simpler ones (such as amino acids), together with the release of energy. This is also known as destructive metabolism.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“Cholesterol is not found in foods made from plants.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“Digestion is the process of breaking down food so it can be used by the body.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“Discipline is doing what you hate to do, but nonetheless doing it like you love it.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“Eat at least about 30% of your daily carbs in your post–workout meal.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

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“Quality 3: Cardiovascular endurance

Your body’s ability to supply working muscles with oxygen during prolonged activity.

Jane and Tarzan challenge and improve their cardiovascular endurance by performing 200 non-stop Squats together.”

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“Every professional bodybuilder is on steroids. Yes, every single one, regardless of what they say.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“Examples of powerful compound exercises are the squat, deadlift, and bench press, which train a lot more than just the legs, back, and chest, respectively.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“Fried foods are often cooked in trans fat.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“Fructose is a very sweet sugar found in many fruits and honey, as well as sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup, both of which are about 50 percent fructose and 50 percent glucose.

Fructose is converted into glucose by the liver and then released into the blood for use.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“Galactose is a type of sugar found in dairy products that is metabolized similarly to fructose.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“Glucose is a sugar that occurs widely in nature and is an important energy source in organisms. Glucose is a component of many carbohydrates.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“If you eat a lot of prepackaged and prepared foods, it’s fairly easy to accidentally overeat because the calorie counts we’re given for various restaurant and packaged foods are often inaccurate.

In fact, food manufacturers can underreport calories by 20 percent and pass FDA inspection, and you’d better believe many are unscrupulous enough to use this to their advantage.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“If you’re afraid that the cholesterol in eggs will increase your risk of heart disease, this myth has been thoroughly debunked by both epidemiological and clinical research.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“If you’re looking to build a solid foundation of muscle and strength, you should do the same types of exercises every week, and they will include things like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, dumbbell presses, military presses, and others.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“Ironically, if you want an area of your body to be leaner, training the muscles without also ensuring you’re reducing your body fat percentage will only aggravate the problem.

The muscles will grow but the layer of fat will remain, which will only result in the area looking bigger and puffier.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“Is cardio best before or after lifting? Neither! Doing cardio right before or after lifting can seriously hinder muscle and strength gains.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“Just to illustrate how absurd moral licensing can get, can you figure out why, after adding healthier items to its menus, McDonald’s began selling more Big Macs than ever?

According to research conducted by scientists at Baruch College, the mere opportunity to eat healthily gave people some of the satisfaction of actually doing it, which in turn permitted them to choose the cheeseburger.

As you can see, the moment we feel an itch for moral permission to stray from our goals or standards, it’s all too easy to find that emotional green light.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“Lactose is a type of sugar present in milk that contains glucose and galactose.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

“Lift hard and heavy, get sufficient rest, and feed your body correctly.”

Bigger Leaner Stronger

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“Bulking doesn’t mean eating Über Eats every night. Recipe for disaster.

Eat similar foods but in larger quantities as you did when dieting. Much better strategy.”

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