Mike Dooley Quotes Page 3


Best 109 Quotes by Mike Dooley – Page 3 of 4

Notes from the Universe Quotes

“Whosoever may torment you, harass you, confound you, or upset you is a teacher. Not because they’re wise, but because you seek to become so.”

Notes from the Universe

Playing the Matrix Quotes

“Did you really need me to tell you what you really want is happiness? I’m afraid so, because your entire life, you and everyone else have been urged to turn the question of “What do I want?” into “How am I going to get there?”!

And thereby, we’ve come to believe we don’t even know what we want, when we actually do, thinking instead that we have to answer the question of 'How?' with a sexy, cool career that will thrill us and make all else possible. We even sheepishly think we’re already supposed to be rocking this sexy, cool vocation, except we don’t know what it is yet! Paralysis.

You’ve always known what you wanted, happiness! But you’ve been taught it's something you have to achieve, doing what you love, instead of being shown it’s about loving what you do and seeing where it leads. Neither have we been taught we can feel happiness now, for no reason.

And given that most of our 'achieving' in life comes from our careers, it’s been implied that to be successful (happy), we have to make wise choices, find our sacred, birth-destined niche, invoke divine intervention, perform clutch plays, get a little lucky, and shed copious amounts of blood, sweat, and tears.

Talk about pressure — we’ve carried the weight of the world on our shoulders! Why? Because we’ve confused the means with the end; the hows for our dreams!”

Playing the Matrix

“It’s not the 'hows' you’re to be concerned with, but the 'Wows!' — as long as there’s understanding!”

Playing the Matrix

“It’s one kind of victory to slay a beast, move a mountain, and cross a chasm, but it’s another kind altogether to realize that the beast, the mountain, and the chasm were of your own design!”

Playing the Matrix

“Never did I wake up on a morning feeling like, I made it! I’m living my dreams! Yet still, only in hindsight, I had and I was.”

Playing the Matrix

“Reality is not what your eyes show your mind, but what your mind creates for your eyes to see. You’re not limited by logic.”

Playing the Matrix

“The idea that life and consciousness was bestowed on us by a God whose brilliance accounts for the entire universe — but possesses the emotional maturity of a 12-year-old — is shockingly illogical.”

Playing the Matrix

“Where you are is never who you are.”

Playing the Matrix

“You must show up, be there, do your part. Only then can the Universe do its part.”

Playing the Matrix

The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You Quotes

“Accepting personal responsibility for everything you experience is critical to ultimately discovering your power.”

The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You

“Always, something wonderful is brewing.”

The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You

“As you dream, the stars realign.”

The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You

“Being of service and making a difference in the lives of others suddenly become what you most want to do.”

The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You

“Being patient does not mean being passive. Move toward your dreams while you celebrate all that does work, all that you do have, and who you now are. Be with friends. Spend time alone. Don’t worry. Be happy. Look forward.

This is surely easier said than done, but that’s just it: if these things were easy, they’d have been done and what would be the point? You signed up for the intensive program: harder in the beginning, more fun thereafter.”

The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You

“By accepting or even welcoming your challenges, you create opportunities for their gifts to be revealed.”

The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You

“Emotions can frequently hurt and cripple, until you begin to grasp that you are their source and thus their master.”

The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You

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“The following is a simple visualization technique I enjoy doing while waiting for something to come to fruition. It's a yoga breathing exercise called Square Breathing that anyone can use.

While sitting in a chair, inhale slowly for four to seven seconds or heartbeats; hold your breath for a four to seven beat count; exhale slowly for a four to seven beat count; finally, do not breathe at all for four to seven seconds.

Repeat this breathing sequence for five minutes. While doing this rhythmic breathing, see yourself having what you want to have or being what you want to be.”

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“Eternity promises too much to spend one more moment looking back with regret than is necessary.”

The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You

“Everything has a reason, there have been no mistakes, love makes everything better, and what doesn’t make sense yet one day will.”

The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You

“Go ahead, want it all. That’s what it’s there for.”

The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You

“If you have absolutely no idea of which direction to move in, move in any direction.”

The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You

“It’s the confluence of all this — all that you think, believe, and expect — that shapes your life and death. And just as a gold coin might lie on your horizon, so can and does all else you dwell upon, including new relationships, promotions, relocations, adventures, and more.

Some of these will appear quicker than others, some won’t show up at all, and then there’ll be some surprises the logistics and choreography of which are far too complicated for the human mind to track—but not for divine mind.”

The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell YOU

“Just do your best; it’ll always be enough. And leave the past to your biographers.”

The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You

“Let your guilt teach you, not punish you. And let the guilt of others do the same for them, no matter how grave their misunderstandings.”

The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You

“Life as you once knew it was the dream, and this 'new place' is where you dreamt it from.”

The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You

“Life is not meant to be hard so that you can be happy beyond it. The happy 'ending', therefore, comes with finally understanding those tricky areas you move through while you are alive.

The key is that you do indeed need to move through them and not 'stop reading at the scary parts'; you must prevail, hang on, and keep trucking to emerge on the other side of whatever the tricky area was.”

The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You

“Life’s adventures are only possible because of life’s challenges.”

The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You

“Never again will you put off your own happiness when those you love choose to be unhappy.”

The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You

“Nothing frees you like the truth, and nothing holds you back more than not knowing it.

Knowledge is power; it heals what hurts, fills what’s empty, clears what’s confused, lightens what’s heavy, brings friends together, turns dust to gold, and raises the sun.

A man or a woman tuned in and turned on to truth becomes unstoppable.”

The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You

“Nothing made sense, except for how much you loved someone.”

The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You

“Of course there is a God, just not like the one taught by the blind who lead the blind.”

The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You

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“We can learn why things happen to us, which places us in control of our fortunes. No person and no circumstance can disturb our inner peace.

Fear and tension vanish when you use positive control. Heartache and headache are exposed and dissolved.”

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