Mike Murdock Quotes Page 2


Best 48 Quotes by Mike Murdock – Page 2 of 2

“When you access and evaluate your goals, you will declutter your life of the unnecessary.”

“You will never become rich, until you hate poverty.”

“You will only be remembered for two things: the problems you solve, or the ones you create.”

“Your imagination is more important than your knowledge.”

“Your rewards in life are determined by the kinds of problems you are willing to solve for someone.”

“Your schedule and your spending describe what you really love in life.”

“Your self-portrait decides your conduct.”

“Your significance is not in your similarity to another - it is in your point of difference.”

One-Minute Pocket Bible for Men Quotes

“You will never possess what you are unwilling to pursue.”

One-Minute Pocket Bible for Men

Seeds of Wisdom on Habits Quotes

“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. ”

Seeds of Wisdom on Habits

The Law of Recognition Quotes

“What you fail to destroy will eventually destroy you.”

The Law of Recognition

The Making of a Champion Quotes

“Pay any price to stay in the presence of extraordinary people.”

The Making of a Champion

The One-Minute Businessman's Devotional Quotes

“Only fools make permanent decisions without knowledge.”

The One-Minute Businessman's Devotional

The Uncommon Husband Quotes

“Do not attempt to alter your assignment. Just do it.”

The Uncommon Husband

The Wisdom Commentary Quotes

“Life consists of a string of decisions.”

The Wisdom Commentary

Wisdom for Winning Quotes

“Depression will always follow any decision to avoid a priority.”

Wisdom for Winning

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