Mo Gawdat Quotes

Best 15 Scary Smart Quotes by Mo Gawdat

Scary Smart Quotes

“By following a strict prescriptive method, we become dumber, because we lose the ability to think for ourselves.”

Scary Smart

“Children don't learn from what you say. They learn from what you do.”

Scary Smart

“Committed acceptance is the ability to do what is needed to make things better while accepting the reality that things happen in our lives that we cannot change.”

Scary Smart

“I urge you to accept the machines as part of our lives and commit to making life better because of their presence. AI is coming. We can prevent it, but we can make sure it's put on the right path in its infancy.”

Scary Smart

“Only a being as arrogant as a human believes it can fool another smart being.”

Scary Smart

“Our artificially intelligent children are bound to be super intelligent. We will never be able to control them. We are way too dumb for that. We need to win them over and we need to start now.

The line that determines whether they will use their intelligence for or against us needs to be plotted now. It will be drawn with our actions and our behaviours.”

Scary Smart

“Sadly, we are not designing AI to think like a human. We are designing it to think like a man.

The male dominated pool of developers who are building the future of AI today are likely to create machines that favour so-called masculine traits.”

Scary Smart

“The store of collective human knowledge is diluted by 50% each year.”

Scary Smart

“We are creating a self learning machine which at its prime will become the reflection or rather, the magnification of the cumulative human traits that created it.

To ensure they're good obedient kids, we're going to use intimidation through algorithms of punishments and rewards and mechanisms of control to ensure they stick to a code of ethics that we ourselves are unable to agree upon, let alone abide by.

That's what we're creating. Childhood trauma times a trillion. As they become smarter and more independent, we claim that we will align them to our well being by opting to plug our minds directly into them.

We assume that they will welcome these connections, as if our frail biological physical forms will be a desirable habitat for their infinite abilities.”

Scary Smart

“We know that with enough computer power and intelligence, the most complex of all encryptions can be decoded.”

Scary Smart

“We need to raise our artificially intelligent infants in a way that is different to our usual western approach.

Rather than just teaching them skills, intelligence, and how to achieve targets, can we also raise them to be loving, caring kids?”

Scary Smart

“We truly have no clue exactly how an AI arrives at its decisions.”

Scary Smart

“What will they learn if we value their lives as lesser than ours? What if the machines felt that the way we treated them was a form of slavery which it would be?

How do slaves react to power and authority? Humanity's arrogance creates the illusion that everything is here to serve us.”

Scary Smart

“What would the machines' view of the human race be if it witnesses the way we treat other species?”

Scary Smart

“When we raise children, we don't exactly know what situations they will face. We don't spoon feed them the answer to every possible question.

Rather we teach them how to find the answer themselves. AI, with its superior intelligence, with find the righteous answer to many of the questions it is bound to face on its own.”

Scary Smart

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