Mo Gawdat Quotes


Best 66 Solve For Happy Quotes by Mo Gawdat – Page 1 of 3

Solve for Happy Quotes

“As a businessman I’ve learned that we can improve only on that which we measure. So set yourself a fun quota. I do!

I aim for a daily target of music and a weekly quota of comedy, workouts, and other feel-good activities.”

Solve for Happy

“As soon as you master the art of observing an idea and letting it go, your mind will quickly run out of topics to bring up. It can keep going only when you cling to an idea.”

Solve For Happy

“Biologically speaking, feeling good plays an important role as part of our survival machine. Our brains use it to drive survival behaviors that do not relate to immediate threats.

To achieve that, our brains flood our bodies with serotonin, oxytocin, and other feel-good chemicals during acts they want to encourage us to do more often.”

Solve For Happy

“Entertain the idea that what you’ve spent your entire life learning may not be entirely true.”

Solve For Happy

“Even if they beg and plead, don’t turn back. Three chances are more than enough. Assertiveness will save your life and will also help teach them to treat their other friends better.”

Solve for Happy

“Every time you examine your thoughts you’ll notice that whatever you’re upset about is rooted in a past you cannot change or a future that may turn out to be completely different from what you express.”

Solve For Happy

“For human beings, simply put, the default state is happiness. If you don’t believe me, spend a little time with a human fresh from the factory, an infant or toddler.

Obviously, there’s a lot of crying and fussing associated with the start-up phase of little humans, but the fact is, as long as their most basic needs are met — no immediate hunger, no immediate fear, no scary isolation, no physical pain or enduring sleeplessness — they live in the moment, perfectly happy.”

Solve For Happy

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“Get real. You are not the star of the movie. Most of what happens around you isn’t about you at all. There are infinite numbers of other movies.

In those, if you feature at all, you’re just a supporting actor. It would really help your happiness if you started to look at your life that way.”

Solve For Happy

“Happiness ≥ your perception of the events of your life MINUS your expectations of how life should behave.”

Solve For Happy

“Happiness depends entirely on how we control every thought.”

Solve For Happy

“Happiness is the absence of unhappiness.”

Solve For Happy

“If the triggers for happy moments are so ordinary and so accessible, why does 'finding' happiness remain such a big challenge for so many people? And why, when we 'find' it, does it so easily slip away?”

Solve For Happy

“If you take exactly the same steps, you will always reach exactly the same outcome regardless of your expectations, frustrations, pressures, or joy.

The quality of your actions should not vary, and neither should your persistence in the face of challenges.”

Solve For Happy

“In the 1930s, the Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky observed that inner speech is accompanied by tiny muscular movements in the larynx. Based on this, he argued that inner speech developed through the internalization of out-loud speech.

In the 1990s, neuroscientists confirmed his view; they used neuroimaging to demonstrate that areas of the brain such as the left inferior frontal gyrus, which are active when we speak out loud, are also active during inner speech.

That voice inside your head truly is your brain talking, even though you’re the only one who can hear it.”

Solve For Happy

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“Is there anything ever under our total control? Yes, two things are: your actions and your attitude.”

Solve For Happy

“It all begins when you accept the thought passing through your head as absolute truth. The longer you hold on to this thought, the more you prolong the pain.”

Solve For Happy

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“Those who spend on experiences that align with their values seem to be the happiest overall.”

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“It begins when you believe that you are the center of the universe, that good things happen because you’ve earned them and bad things happen just to annoy you. And that’s the furthest thing from the truth.”

Solve For Happy

“Life is bound to deal you a few bad hands now and then. You don’t need to make a big deal out of every unexpected turn of events.

Your path may be rerouted, but nothing is lost unless you decide to quit. Through it all, arm yourself with the right attitude.”

Solve For Happy

“Life sometimes needs to give you a nudge in order to alter your path. It uses a bit of hardship to lead you to something good.”

Solve For Happy

“Many successful athletes, musicians, and entrepreneurs have achieved their success because they love what they do so much they become experts at it just because the activity itself makes them happy.”

Solve For Happy

“Ninety percent of your long-term happiness is predicted not by the external world but by the way your brain processes the world.”

Solve For Happy

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“Now go ahead and tell me how the real you looks. Can you? Like the depth of the ocean, the real you is something you’ve never seen. Like radio waves, you don’t have the instrument to perceive it.

More importantly, because of its nonphysical nature, it is not to be seen. Being seen is a characteristic only of the physical world.”

Solve for Happy

“Now please consider the following: How different is your life on this earth from a video game?

If your physical form — the avatar you use to navigate the physical world — is not the real you, then what difference does it make if you face a few challenges on the way?”

Solve for Happy

“Once the thought goes, the suffering disappears!

When a rude person offends you, he can’t really make you unhappy, unless you turn the event into a thought, then allow it to linger in your brain, and then allow it to distress you.

It’s the thought, not the actual event, that’s making you unhappy.”

Solve For Happy

“Once when Aya was around five, she was crying while I was deeply engaged trying to explain to her why she shouldn’t cry about the issue that had upset her.

In the cutest way she looked at me with tears in her eyes and said: Papa, when I’m crying don’t talk to me about the things that make me cry. If you want to make me happy, just tickle me.”

Solve For Happy

“One day I realized that control is not to be gained at the micro level of every detail. It is not to be found in what I need to do, but rather in how I need to do every little thing I do.”

Solve For Happy

“Others will rarely ever approve of your ego because they are more concerned with their own ego than with yours.”

Solve For Happy

“Our brains replay every painful memory from the past and every possible scary scenario from the future over and over, just like a complex computer simulation, in an attempt to scare us away from threats before they can happen and regardless of the probability of their happening at all.”

Solve For Happy

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“Our expectation that others will buy into our fake image is never satisfied – and we feel unhappy.”

Solve For Happy

“Our universe is the product of masterful design. The designer doesn’t run the show; the equations he designed do.”

Solve for Happy

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“There is no reason to constantly attempt to figure everything out.”

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