Nathan Oxenfeld Quotes

Best 16 Quotes by Nathan Oxenfeld

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“Did you know fine print can be good for your eyes, as long as you don’t strain while looking at it!”

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“Just as dependence on crutches, weakens leg muscles, so dependence on glasses weakens eye muscles by relieving them of responsibility. But muscles can be reeducated to do their duties.”

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“Relaxation is a sensation.”

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“Relaxation of the eyes and mind brings relaxation of the entire body.

This general relaxation increases circulation and brings improved, physical, visual, and mental health.”

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“Relaxed eyes are normal eyes. When eyes lose their relaxation and become tense, they strain and stare and the vision, becomes poor.”

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“Screens are one of the biggest sources of eye strain and vision problems in our modern world.”

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“Six muscles on the outside of the eyeball control its shape; four, reaching from front to back, flatten the eye; two, belting it around the middle, squeeze it long from front to back.

When the eyes are relaxed, these six muscles are flexible and cooperate automatically, adjusting the focal length so eyes may see both near and far.”

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“Tension causes eye strain and impairs vision. Relaxation relieves tension.”

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“The eyeball is like the camera, and changes in focal length.

To focus the camera, you must adjust the distance from the negative to the front of the camera.”

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“Thou shalt not strain.

The eye records images, the mind interprets and sees. When the mind is tense, the eye is tense; when the mind is relaxed, the eye is relaxed.

Perfect memory of any object increases mental relaxation. Mental relaxation results in relaxation of the eyes, and both together result in better vision.”

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“To focus the eye, the distance between the retina at the back and the cornea in front must be increased for close vision and decreased for the distant view.”

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“Vision can be improved by natural methods.”

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“Vision can be improved only by education in proper seeing. Proper seeing is relaxed seeing.

Normal eyes shift rapidly and continuously. Eyes with defective vision are fixed and staring.

When staring eyes learn to shift, vision is improved.”

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Integral Eyesight Quotes

“Emotions can affect eyesight.”

Integral Eyesight

“Vision can be improved by natural methods. Relaxation, sunlight, and movement are the keys.”

Integral Eyesight

“Yoga can improve your eyesight.”

Integral Eyesight

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“The reality of the situation is that science by definition is supposed to be looking at the outermost edge of what we know. What’s interesting is that real scientific spirit, looking at the unknown, and pushing the boundaries of what we know doesn’t always happen. Unfortunately, a lot of science has fallen into something that could be called a dogma, which is difficult to let go of. Real science seems to have forgotten that their roots are in the mystical realms.”

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