Naval Ravikant Quotes Page 7
Books by Naval Ravikant
Best 509 Quotes by Naval Ravikant – Page 7 of 17
“It’s a contradiction that we all deal with. That we all want to be successful people, but we also want to be happy people. The two of those run in almost diametric opposites to each other.”
“It’s easier for a builder to learn sales than for a seller to learn building.”
“It’s not so much 'Happy wife, happy life' as 'Unhappy wife, unhappy life'.”
“It’s not so much Bitcoin going up as dollar going down.”
“It’s not the thing itself we fear, it’s our reaction to it.”
“It’s the nature of truth that once you see it, you can’t unsee it.”
“It’s wisdom of markets, not wisdom of crowds.”
“Judging others is good for a quick dopamine hit, but how long until you’re addicted?”
“Just as Hiroshima ushered in the nuclear age, COVID-19 ushers in the biological age.”
“Just as you travel so that you can miss your home, you socialize so that you can miss your self.”
“Knowing how little you matter is very important for your mental health and your happiness.”
“Labor and capital leverage are obsolete. Code is the ultimate force multiplier and its leverage advantage is increasing.”
“Lasting novels don’t come from literature departments. Successful businesses don’t come from business schools. Scientific revolutions don’t come from research universities. Get your education, then get moving. Find the loners tinkering at the edge.”
“Learning is cheap, education is expensive.”
Products by Naval Ravikant
“Leverage converts knowledge into power.”
“Life is about navigating a series of events that don’t quite repeat.”
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“Start thinking more about how to use your limited time and vital energy, and you'll be well on your way to living the fullest life possible.”
“Life is really a single player game. It's all going on in your head. Whatever you think, you believe, will very much shape your reality. Both from what risks you take and what actions you perform, but also just everyday experiences of reality.”
“Listening to books instead of reading them is like drinking your vegetables instead of eating them.”
“Live long enough, and you’ll become a philosopher.”
“Live the life you want other people to live.”
“Make bold guesses and weed out the failures.”
“Making money through an early lucky trade is the worst way to win. The bad habits that it reinforces will lead to a lifetime of losses.”
“Management is the oldest, and most over-rated form of leverage. Capital, media, and code are the modern forms.”
“Meditation is intermittent fasting for the mind.”
“Mentors won’t make you rich.
Doctors won’t make you healthy.
Nutritionists won’t make you slim.
Teachers won’t make you smart.
Gurus won’t make you calm.
Trainers won’t make you fit.
Ultimately, you have to take responsibility.
Save yourself.”
“Money does buy happiness, if you earned it.”
“Money doesn’t buy happiness - it buys freedom.”
“Money doesn’t change the world, ideas do.”
Products by Naval Ravikant
“More drugs are taken to quiet the mind than to heal the body.”
“Most books should just be summaries so I leave most books unfinished and only make it all the way through a few. The best ones can’t be easily summarized.”
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“I don’t know what a business is. All a company is, is a bunch of people together to create a product or service. There’s no such thing as a business, just pursuit of a goal — a group of people pursuing a goal.”
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