Naval Ravikant Quotes Page 9

Books by Naval Ravikant


Best 509 Quotes by Naval Ravikant – Page 9 of 17

“Read books that explore questions that you are genuinely curious about. Only you will know which topics.

If you’re reading too quickly, the book is too basic. If reading too slowly, it’s likely too advanced.

It’s like finding the right form of exercise and the right intensity.”

“Read books, avoid news.”

“Read the best 100 books over and over again.”

“Read the books they want to ban.”

“Read to satisfy your own natural curiosity, not to impress or accomplish.
Re-read the basics (from different angles) until they make sense to you.
Start on solid ground - physics & math.
Filter - most popular books are propaganda.
Don’t memorize, specialize, or use jargon.”

“Read what you love until you love to read.

Instead of memorizing, understand the basics so you can derive answers.

If you’re good at math and science, you won’t fear any book.

The means of learning are abundant, it’s the desire to learn that’s scarce.”

“Read what you love until you love to read.”

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“Reading (learning) is a meta-skill and can be traded for anything else.”

“Reading is more efficient when at rest. Audio is more efficient when in motion.”

“Relax. You’ll live longer *and* perform better.”

“Retirement starts when you stop sacrificing today for some imaginary tomorrow. You retire by saving up enough money, becoming a monk, or by finding work that feels like play to you.”

“Returns are made on the way up.
Reputations are made on the way down.”

“Safe societies devalue their young males, until the wolves are at the door.”

“School, politics, sports, and games train us to compete against others. True rewards — wealth, knowledge, love, fitness, and equanimity — come from ignoring others and improving ourselves.”

Products by Naval Ravikant

“Science advances one funeral at a time.”

“Science requires skepticism. Religion requires belief.”

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“Fiat is predictably unpredictable. Bitcoin is predictably predictable.

A difference that makes all the difference.”

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“Scientists who support silencing opposing voices are actually priests.”

“Self-awareness is the most attractive trait.”

“Selfless ideas spread the furthest.”

“Sequels are rarely good because the author that dumped decades of insights into the first book is suddenly given months to produce a second.”

“Shorter feedback loops means more iterations, and it’s the number of iterations, not the number of hours, that drives learning.”

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“Simplifying your life doesn’t mean passing up opportunities. It means opening up space for new and considered ones.”

“Sing the song that only you can sing, write the book that only you can write, build the product that only you can build... live the life that only you can live.”

“Smart people talking to other smart people tend to have very short conversations.”

“Social media has degenerated into a deafening cacophony of groups signaling and repeating their shared myths.”

“Social science is fake science.”

“Solve via iteration. Then get paid via repetition.”

“Sometimes easier to change the world than to change people's minds.”

Products by Naval Ravikant

“Sophisticated foods are bittersweet (wine, beer, coffee, chocolate). Addictive relationships are cooperative and competitive. Work becomes flow at the limits of ability. The flavor of life is on the edge.”

“Spend your time in the company of geniuses, sages, children, and books.”

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