Nick Brothermore Quotes


Best 78 Quotes by Nick Brothermore – Page 1 of 3

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex Quotes

“A kiss communicates: You are loved, I want to taste you, I want your germs, Let’s become one, and so much more. Kissing should be part of your daily relationship routine. Steal a kiss when she’s least expecting it. Women love that. Kiss her in public. Women love that even more.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

“According to research, people in loving long-term romantic relationships are happier, healthier, more successful, and live longer.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

“Alcohol can lead to the impulsive decision to org*sm.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

“Alcohol makes you passive, less masculine, and less hard. Your d*ck may be hard but your attitude isn't. You can't channel pure masculine energy if you are adulterating it with alcohol first.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

“All it takes to find a good woman is to become your best as a man. When you set higher standards for yourself and live up to those standards, women will notice and be drawn to follow you. You won't even have to go looking, the good ones will find you.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

“Another benefit of org*sm retention comes from training oneself in the practice of delayed gratification.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

“Application of sexual energy is two-pronged: it requires you
1)Have a purpose
2)Put in the work”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“Compliment her often – sincerely. Notice what she does right. Thank her for the little things women do for men that we take for granted. Tell her how beautiful she is. Women deserve to hear this regularly. Make her feel good about herself in specific areas where you know she needs confidence. Build her up. Make her feel happy and good.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

“Considering the powerful benefits of the practice, and weighing that against the discipline Karezza sex requires, it stands to reason that throughout history a small, select group has tapped into this transformative power while the vast majority have sadly jizzed their potential away.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

“Consistent Karezza sex will change your life dramatically.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

“Doggy style is high on many men’s lists of great org*sm-sex positions. There are few more enticing views on earth than looking down and watching your c*ck slide in and out of a woman while her ass moves hypnotically in rhythm.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

“Doggy style is visually overstimulating to most men. Simply put, it’s much harder not to bust a nut in this position.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

“Drown your anxiety in action, not booze.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

“During org*sm-sex, men typically enjoy positions that give them a bird’s eye view of the woman’s body and all the action. With Karezza sex, you’ll likely break this habit. Once you learn to operate on sensation rather than sight, a deeper world of sexual pleasure opens up. Watching feels cheap compared to fully experiencing. Plus, visual positions make org*sm retention more difficult.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“Exhibiting leadership characteristics in and out of bed makes women feel safe, secured, loved, and comforted.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

“Fantasizing during sex robs you of a truly connected exchange.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

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“A life lived well embraces death by feeling open, from heart to all, in every moment. Wide open, you can offer without holding back, you can receive without pushing away.”

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“For every ninety-nine life improvement hacks that fail to deliver, there’s that one unexpected gem that comes out of nowhere and changes your life.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

“Foreplay done right is about getting warmed up but not overheated. It’s about stoking each other’s energy until there’s nothing left to do but put it in.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

“Having sex with a stranger is very exciting on an animal level. But the serial pursuit of this thrill is the enemy of love.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

“If you love boobs, Karezza sex is for you. Breast and nipple stimulation release the 'love hormone' oxytocin, so it’s a natural fit for a style of sex based on generating loving energy. Sucking on a woman’s nipples is extremely therapeutic – perhaps one of the most rejuvenating practices on earth for a man.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

“In today’s p*rnified world, Karezza sex is the ultimate countercultural act.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“Karezza sex gives you all the benefits of org*sm retention plus the benefits of sex and a loving relationship. Not a bad deal.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

“Karezza sex in today’s world can be a restorative force to turn our energy and values around toward something more organic and sustainable.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

“Karezza sex in today’s world is a full-frontal assault on society’s hollow values, its p*rnified heroes, and its empty assurance that 'it’s all good'.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

“Karezza sex in today’s world is an anomaly: a sex positive practice that treats the body as a temple, one’s partner as a treasure, and sex as a meditation on love, beauty, and life.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

“Karezza sex in today’s world is revolutionary.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

“Karezza sex in today’s world is the embodiment of the belief that things can get better, that there is hope, and that what we do every day matters.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

“Karezza sex is a tool any man can use to become a legendary lover. No nut-buster can compete with what you offer a woman in bed. Your woman will know she has the best and love you deeply for it.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“Karezza sex is journey-based as opposed to destination-based sex.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

“Karezza sex is no-rush sex.”

The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex

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