Nicolaus Copernicus Quotes

Best Quotes by Nicolaus Copernicus

“For I am not so enamored of my own opinions that I disregard what others may think of them.”

“In the midst of all dwells the sun. For who could set this luminary in another or better place in this most glorious temple, than whence he can at one and the same time brighten the whole.”

“Mathematics is written for mathematicians.”

“To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge.”

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“As for Galen’s netlike plexus, I do not need to pass on a lot of misinformation about it here, as I am quite sure that I have examined the whole system of the cerebral vessels. There is no occasion for making things up, since we are certain that Galen was deluded by his dissection of ox brains and described the cerebral vessels, not of a human but of oxen.”

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