Paul Gauguin Quotes

Best 7 The Writings of a Savage Quotes by Paul Gauguin

The Writings of a Savage Quotes

“All the masters have those weak points that are called masterpieces; and besides, they do them as crowd pleasers – to prove that they have the know-how.”

The Writings of a Savage

“Beautiful colors exist, though we do not realize it, and are glimpsed behind the veil that modesty has drawn over them.”

The Writings of a Savage

“In art, the state of the soul in which we find ourselves constitutes three quarters of the work; therefore, it should be nurtured if you want to do something big and lasting...”

The Writings of a Savage

“Is there a recipe for making beauty? The schools give recipes, but they do not beget works that make people exclaim: How beautiful that is!”

The Writings of a Savage

“It is so small a thing, the life of a man, and yet there is time to do great things, fragments of a common task.”

The Writings of a Savage

“Solitude is not to be recommended to everyone, for you have to be strong in order to bear it and act alone.”

The Writings of a Savage

“The self-esteem one acquires and a well-earned feeling of one's strength are the only consolation in this world. Income, after all, most brutes have that.”

The Writings of a Savage

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