Phil Laut Quotes

Best 27 Quotes by Phil Laut

“Admiration in the highest form of apathy.”

“I find it unusual that it is more socially acceptable to complain about what you have than it is to ask for what you want.”

“Neither formal education, desire, hard work, nor being a good person guarantees success. The most important key to success is self-motivation. And a consciously chosen vision of the future is a powerful aid to motivate yourself.”

Money Is My Friend Quotes

“Another way of describing the condition of financial freedom is that money works for you instead of you working for money.”

Money Is My Friend

“Financial Freedom is when you never do anything that you don't want to for money and you never omit doing something that you want to do because of lack of money.”

Money Is My Friend

“If you plan to live in a society that uses money as a means of exchange, then it is intelligent to master money.”

Money Is My Friend

“The Earning Law is the most important. If you haven't mastered the Earning Law, then the others are just intellectual concepts.”

Money Is My Friend

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


The Effective Engineer Quotes

“Leverage is defined by a simple equation. It’s the value, or impact, produced per time invested.

The Effective Engineer

Wealth Without a Job Quotes

“A so-called side business can offer benefits far beyond the income that it produces. Some of these benefits are:

- It can be a prudent first step toward a full-time business of your own.
- It can increase your job satisfaction by reducing dependency on your job.
- It can be a risk-free way to learn a new occupation.
- It can be a way to discover if you would enjoy some new occupation.
- It can be a way to grow and expand your mind, discover your true potential and who you really are.”

Wealth Without a Job

“Entrepreneurship is not taught in the government-dominated education system or in private schools, either. For this reason, most entrepreneurs learn through baptism by fire—a method that can be both expensive and time-consuming.”

Wealth Without a Job

“Financial success means earning the income you want doing work you love. One without the other falls short. Earning the income you want from work you don’t like greatly reduces your satisfaction and enjoyment.”

Wealth Without a Job

“How much you are paid and even whether you are paid is far too important a decision to leave to corporate bureaucracy.”

Wealth Without a Job

“I always told myself that working for a company gave me security. This illusion of security was holding me back from achieving what I was really meant to do.”

Wealth Without a Job

“If you are unemployed, then take the best job you can find that pays more than unemployment benefits. Once your unemployment benefits have run out, this will be pretty easy to do.”

Wealth Without a Job

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“If, as an employee, your pay is automatically deposited in your bank account, then then experience of receiving money is more distant and abstract than in your own business, where customers pay you directly.”

Wealth Without a Job

“Money can’t buy happiness. The paradox is that poverty surely produces unhappiness, anxiety, and dissatisfaction.”

Wealth Without a Job

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“Games are won by players who focus on the playing field – not by those whose eyes are glued to the scoreboard.”

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“Most people discover that business ownership is very, very different from employment. In a job your success depends on how good you are at what you do; in your own business your success depends on how good you are at business. With a job there is someone to tell you what to do and someone to motivate you.”

Wealth Without a Job

“People who earn lots of money from work they do not enjoy experience dissatisfaction because the money is never enough. They may face credit card problems from attempts to find in consumption the satisfaction missing at work. Yet people who enjoy their work but who earn so little that they are continually beset by financial problems sooner or later find that the problems overwhelm the enjoyment.”

Wealth Without a Job

“School produces expectations of a job. In school other people made goals for you. In school other people told you what time to do things. Schools have a well-defined measurement system, and someone else lets you know how you are doing. On tests all you must do is pick out the correct answer from alternatives offered (rather than creating your own solutions).”

Wealth Without a Job

“We decorate our homes and our bodies in ways that please us. Why not decorate your mind (your internal reality) in ways that please you? In ways that move you ahead, in ways that make your work more meaningful than merely making money, in ways that bring forth personal resources that you may not be aware of at this point?”

Wealth Without a Job

“Wealth is voluntary. You have to sign up.”

Wealth Without a Job

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“Wealthy people are decisive. This is because they have an enduring vision to guide their decisions and actions. This vision provides the framework for making decisions quickly and free of second thoughts.”

Wealth Without a Job

“Wealthy people are good for the economy. They pay most of the taxes and make most of the charitable contributions. If you have need of a job, surely you wouldn’t ask a poor person to hire you.”

Wealth Without a Job

“Wealthy people do not rely on luck. Less than 2 percent of American millionaires have inherited trust funds, and even a smaller percentage has won lotteries.”

Wealth Without a Job

“Wealthy people don’t work for money. Rather, they develop a self-benefiting mind-set about money and receiving and do work that suits them, motivated by their sense of accomplishment and service.”

Wealth Without a Job

“Wealthy people take prudent risks. Poor people tend to be dominated by fear of loss or fear of making a mistake, so they rarely take risks. Poor people seem to be willing to settle for the misperceived safety of enduring struggle.”

Wealth Without a Job

“Wealthy people take responsibility. They do not blame their financial situation on themselves or anyone or anything else. Instead, they take the steps necessary to change their own thinking and behavior to move ahead.”

Wealth Without a Job

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